Somewhere I Belong...

Saturday, October 14, 2006

This week

October is the month of the teacher and this week was teacher appreciation week.

My class didnt do anything for me really, which I expected. But some boys individually did things which was nice of them. A form one class was really excited and went all out for their teachers. I hope their enthusiasm lasts.

We also got some lovely cards and we were wined and dined by the administration of the school yesterday at Cascadia. I must say I appreciated it a lot.
Went to lime in TGIF yesterday and saw a couple of friends and limed for a while. My coworkers were having a staff meeting in TGIF, so I needed a break. On the way home we stopped at a bar in El Socorro and limed some more.
Yesterday really was a good day!


  • Liming is good fuh de soul!
    Always be sure to take some time out for yourself. :)

    By Blogger trinidarkie1, at 4:15 PM  

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