Somewhere I Belong...

Saturday, July 31, 2004

I was lonely once. I believed I was unlovable. I craved love and attention from a male. I settled for less than I deserved.

But after today, I would advise any young lady: Only make love to someone who loves you. It's 100% better.

And he WILL call you the next day.


The second half of the birthday: PG13 version

After we got up from sleeping after our morning walk, we were a lil frisky. And somehow we managed to go see I, Robot.

Fuck Asimov. I dont care if it didnt stick close to the story.

How could you NOT love a movie that shows Will Smith's booty in the first few minutes??? Plus you get a great glimpse of his great bod?
Oh yeah.....the action and storyline were really good too.

Got back from cinema and we were about to settle into bed when my bf's friends came to see him. I watched Bill Maher. My Friday nights have been salvaged. Michael Moore was on and between him and Bill, they roasted the lone Republican on the panel.
Poor thing.

Today was good too. NUFF friskiness took place yes..for about ..oh...3 hours.

Now I am at home, he is at work. Good weekend.

I am not meant to fucking sleep tonite or what???


Friday, July 30, 2004

To celebrate my bf's 24th year of life, we went for a walk around the Savannah. Well I bun from since the walk TO the Savannah eh: an indication of how long I have not really exercised.

What surprised me is the number of people taking a run in the early morning. The majority was older people and they were keeping a better pace than I was.  :s

Then we came back, got some water and had breakfast.

Rich, he liked it. YAY!!!!

So we are resting up for the next half of the day.

Thursday, July 29, 2004

Everytime I read TS, I realize that if we have to depend on some of the youths of today, this country going straight down the toilet bowl.

I didn't know what own3d meant, but from the pics that were put up, you can figure out what it means. I used context clues. This is a skill I am realising students nowadays don't have.

Let's not talk about repeated bad spelling...typos are ok...

The comments that are made 'fuh kicks', but are wrought with racism and hate, are beginning to irritate and annoy me.

The bitching and complaining about Goverment and this and that, yet those same complainers not doing one shit....

I guess I getting old yes.....

Wednesday, July 28, 2004

One of my female friends proposed to her 'bf' and he said he will consider it. Right now she feels ill and doesnt want to talk to me.

They broke up, but now they are spending weekends together. He hasnt said that they are together, but in her mind, she thinks they are.

So why de idiot sticking? Isnt 5 years enough to know if someone is for you or not? If you want to spend your life with someone or not?


See why I love my BF? I dont ever have to wonder how he feels about me. I dont have to make inferences.

Tuesday, July 27, 2004

"Rarely is the questioned asked: Is our children learning?"

"I have opinions of my own - strong opinions - but I don't always agree with them."

"A low voter turnout is an indication of fewer people going to the polls."

"I'm honored to shake the hand of a brave Iraqi citizen who had his hand cut off by Saddam Hussein."

"First, let me make it very clear, poor people aren't necessarily killers. Just because you happen to be not rich doesn't mean you're willing to kill."

Bush is a real clown yes!

cBetween watching all those episodes of "Baby Story" on TLC  and babysitting my niece, I feel kinna maternal.

Dont worry, nobody will have a christening to come to any time soon.

My niece is lots of fun, EXCEPT when she misses her daddy, and EVERY minute she wants to know when he is coming.


But having to constantly supervise a child is had to keep her constantly entertained, dancing and singing and reading.

But I would babysit at a drop of a hat yes. She's too precious.

Today is the 14th anniversary of the coup.

I remember 1990 so well. It was the year I passed for my first choice and I was anxious to get started. Then the coup happened. I was 11 and I didnt fully understand what was going on. All I knew was that I couldnt go anywhere for a while.

The coup was dark, terrible time in this country, but look at how we have rebuilt ourselves. There's a moral to that story somewhere.

Monday, July 26, 2004

     My boyfriend and I love to eat, but we dont like to spend much money on food. So we have discovered some places where you can get some good food and not buss yuh pocket.
      Brown's Punch. I think it is opposite Standard's in St James. Brown's Punch is so thick and full of  crunchy granola that it cant flow smoothly through the straw. After you drink a cup of that punch, you wouldnt need anything to eat after nah. Yuh good!

   In St James there is a place that boasts of a $5 d ollar burger. DONT go there. There is a yellow burger stand opposites that make the best hamburger. I dont eat hamburgers eh, but I do make an exception for this one. The lady makes sure that the patty is heated up properly and a tasty sauce is sprinkled on it while cooking. YUM! It's $12. A hotdog is $4.

   After attending a morning appointment, we were hungry and my boyfriend suggested we go for pies. The place is opposite Kid's world and it's green-Tina's.  I saw the pies eh, and they were shaped funny, so I only bought one. boy, I sorry I did that yes. That was a tasty pie yes!!!

     Then we had to get something to wash it down. We went to right next door. Well that punch was real good!!! nice and creamy, not watery and flowed easily through the straw. Delicious!

    Well tonight was the piece de resistance. Kayode bought a cheese pie eh....the cheese inside was creamy,the pie itself nice and soft, but what added the flavour to that pie was the cucumber chutney. You wouldnt even know it was cucumber unless you were told. No seeds to bother yuh. well yes..the pizza hut I had in my hand couldnt compare to that cheese pie.

        While I wouldnt mind eating at Il Colesseo and Trotters, these places are special to us and come in handy when we are feeling peckish. Plus we dont have to dressup, wait for seating and pay service tax. Hee hee.


Sunday, July 25, 2004

   Today was a really nice day. I, along with my sis and bro-in-law, went to visit my grandmother and my aunt. It was really cool just visiting.

My young cousin was there..the 'wild' one. I always used to boff him up thinking that would help, but yuh know what I did this time?

I was nice to him...for once...and he was nice too. He didnt call me any names this time, even though he did tell me I was 'lickorish' for asking for more food.

His mother is away and he doesnt like to talk to her at all.

He's only 6.

I hope this situation does not create another jaded young man who has problems with women. We dont need another one.

Saturday, July 24, 2004

My mother took care of her family. She got up at 4 o clock in the morning and cooked food for us. She made sure we had clean clothes. She supported us in our academic endeavours. She made huge sacrifices so that we would have the things that we needed. When I went to visit her in 2002, she washed my clothes for me. She cooked meals for me. And I was grateful every time she did .

And yet still she was independent. She didnt wait on my father to do anything, or any other man in her life. So  her example and going to Bishop Anstey High School for seven years, have created an independent streak in me.

Right now I do all things at home for myself. I try to do as much as possible without asking for assistance. And I think I am doing a pretty good job.

But there is a part of me that wants to take care of my family. I want to make sure that my husband is well fed and happy, that he is supported by me in any endeavours that he may want to undertake, that he has someone to listen to him when he wants to talk about something that happened during the day.

I remember a thread was put up on TS asking women to choose between being their man's 'maid' ie cleaning, cooking, washing, making sure his needs are met, and being a f***er, ie making sure that his sexual needs are met. I was probably one of the few women to choose 'maid' ( I had a problem with that word, but that's the word used in the thread). The majority of the women chose f***er.

While it is nice to see my bf satisfied after a good session (heh heh heh), I'd prefer to see him express satisfaction over a meal that I have made or assisting him in getting ready for an assignment by ironing his shirt while he showers.

I think in the long run this is what truly matters to a man, and if I am lying or completely wrong, drop a comment in the flooblebox and let me know.

SUPPORTIVE WIFE vs SEX GODDESS- as a man, which do you prefer? As a woman, which do you want to be?


"So many crime, so many unemployment..." -Harry Harnarine


Friday, July 23, 2004

Today was a full day. I went to town with my sister and we had a nice time. I bought some nice pieces of cloth for the new school term. A lot of people were buying African cloth for Emancipation. So did I actually.

I could see why the clothes are expensive. The cloth is expensive too!

So I left the house and did something. I hope I get paid soon, because I am broken to tief now.


wow..this vacation is winding down very quickly boy.

I eh even reach the beach yet!


Thursday, July 22, 2004

Mariska Hartigay.....

I have to watch that bitch  closely.

I gained a lot of points with the quiz I did but I made a few errors which I am correcting now.

My boyfriend's dream job is not a communications officer. That is the job I would like him to have. He wants to be a writer; not necessarily for the papers or author of a book, but for TV, scripts, video games even. I think he will be good at it. ;)

His celebrity crushes are Gabrielle Union and Elise Neal.

His fav actress isnt Halle Berry. That's an inside joke. hee hee

The other things I got right. YAY!!!!

So the 90's countdown on VH1 reminded me of my girl Alanis and the best album ever created
Jagged Little Pill. That tape took me through some rough personal times yes. She is a gifted songwriter. The stuff she produces is alright, but could never be as good as Jagged.

Imagine I still have tapes. Yes!! In shoeboxes. It sucked to have to fastforward and rewind, but it was good hearing that music again.

And also in that box was a tape of love songs. This tape was made by the man that I thought was destined to be my mother's husband.

My mother met T at work and they had a nice relationship. He made her happy; THAT was very obvious. When my sister and I met him, we immediately ewre drawn to him and we divulged to our mother that this was the best choice she has ever made for a potential partner, way better than our father.

I enjoyed him coming over. He was a DJ and at that time I wanted to be one of the countries hottest DJs. I remember him telling me that he would show me the ropes because I had to take over the family business. I liked talking to him. He was the closest thing to a father I had ever known.

Then.....they stopped talking. Over some shit that I cant remember. My mother was sad, but she has pride and she wasnt calling. He wasnt calling either. STEUPS

Mommy announced that she was leaving the country. My sister and I acted quickly and got them talking again. But alas, she was leaving in a few days. At least they were talking right?

To our great surprise, he was going away too, to the same place she was. My sis and I started planning wedding yes!!!

AGAIN..they stopped talking for some shit. Damage was done and it could not be repaired by us.


I wouldnt have minded calling him Daddy.

Wednesday, July 21, 2004

What is their name?:His initials are KJ
What is their middle name?:I honestly dont remember
What ethnicity are they?:African
Favorite color?:blue
Favorite movie?:Spiderman anything
Hobbies?:playing video games, reading
What school?:University
Favorite kind of music?:music from anime movies and video games
Favorite singer/band?:i dont know
Favorite TV show?:Law and Order SVU
Favorite actor?:he has a few
Favorite actress?:Halle Berry ;)
Favorite song?:he has a few
Favorite musical?:not into that too much
Dream job?:Communications officer 
Fears?:that he would not succeed
What do they dream about?:hmmmph..dont want to talk about THAT!
Any pets?:yeah, a dog
Eye colour?:he says black, but I look into his eyes all the time and I see brown
Play an instrument?:used to play piano
For how long?:mnths i think
Siblings?:yes a sis and a bro
Do they like their family?:deep down, yes
What bothers them?:I dont have space to put all that
Do they go to church?:no
What do you two:do? Talk, brush, watch movies, laugh, hug, kiss..
Political affiliation?:none
Birthday?:next week!
Do they drive?:yes
If so, what kind of vehicle?:a silver car
What is the first movie they ever saw?:i have no idea
Favorite names? (like, for kids):once it's African I have no problem
Do they want kids?:yes, a girl
Do they want to get married?:yes
Which era do they wish they lived in?:this era is good for him
Their celebrity crush(es)?:i dont know
Natural hair colour?:black
Obsessions?:he doesnt have obsessions. There are just some things he loves a lot.
Favorite character (in a movie)?:Spiderman
Do they think you're nuts?:no 
Do they write poetry?:yes
Favorite school subject?:Literature
How many previous:previous what???
What movie do they hate?:Torque (which I warned him about)
Who is their best friend? (other than you :D):Warren
What is their purpose in life?:I honestly think he is destined for great things
What would they like to get for their birthday, but is way too expensive?:computer upgrade and a trip to Tobago
Favorite letter?:maybe K
Favorite number?:mine! lol 

How well do you know your significant other? (50 Questions) brought to you by BZOINK!

Tuesday, July 20, 2004

Today I babysat my niece!
Hear nah. It was fun!!
Lots of fun! She watched TV for a while. I had to endure Barney (UGH!) but it was just for one day.

Monday, July 19, 2004

I want to go somewhere for my vacation.
Somewhere nice and scenic.
I am enjoying the time I am spending with my boyfriend a lot. He looks so happy eh. He's smiling a lot and is carefree. He's attentive and loving and we have lots of laughs. But I want to go on a trip somewhere, like a visit to Tobago or something.
 School is opening on the 30th August and I have my seminar next mnth too, so this is the month to do that something different.
DAMN school loans!

Is there any business in Trinidad that ACTUALLY gives you value for your money?

I am very tired of working hard and not getting value for my money AT ALL.

CCTT cant come and fix my flicking reception AS YET!!!

Well let's not even go near TSTT, because I can go on for  a WHOLE day. I mean, how much MORE money does TSTT want?

Businesses just trying to scam hard working people outta their money. Look at HCL. Selling homes at ridiculous prices and they are of poor quality. And people buying this shit. I dont want to hazard a guess of the cost of a home when my bf and I are ready to settle down.

How can these people sleep at night?

Well I guess on the best mattresses money can buy huh?



I got this from another blog. I loved it so much I emailed the author to ask his permission to put it up here.
    Man, TSTT, huh? A shining example of what happens when the practices of Monopolistic American Juggernauts are applied to lil old local companies. Borrowing from greats like BCCI and Enron, TSTT is continuing to do its best to ensure that all of its customers feel like the parents of man-hungry teenaged quadruplets when the bill arrives in the mail.
They've slashed the fuck out of overseas rates, probably to stick it to the folks who frequent the dollar a minute call centres. Now overseas calls to the U.S, Canada and the United Kingdom are two dollars a minute. People easily distracted by shiny objects and the sound of paper being crumpled may rejoice at this sign that TSTT is taking the painted blue, purple and black sticks out of their asses in an effort to make nice with Trinidad and Tobago, but before these mentioned folks got the chance to raid their drawers for pieces of brass to contribute to the calf TSTT would have been presented with, it was announced that TSTT had to do something to recoup the money they stand to lose in their slashing spree.
Local rates would now have to go up (or to borrow a term from the TSTT dictionary: skyfuckingrocket).
    Now isn't that great news? That's like if the President of Trinidad and Tobago personally visited my humble home to tell me that since he likes me so much, me and my Katie can now get in to Movietowne for the ridiculously low price of a dollar a head. However, since Movietowne stood to lose money, I'd have to pay sixty dollars every time I turned on my television. Doesn't that sound like a great deal?
   You now get access to something you never bothered using at a ridiculously low rate, but to balance everything out, you pay through the teeth for a relatively simple service. As Tommy Lee once said: it's BANANAS! It's so fucking outtasight, it's bananas.
   I can only hope that when these new rates come into effect, my phone bill will arrive in a larger envelope containing the TSTT care package:
1) A tube of KY Jelly
2) A pair of latex gloves with the TSTT logo
3) A TSTT mint
    Hell, they've stopped screwing us senseless with their poor service and dandy one stop, automated 800-TSTT number, so why don't they just skip the figurative bullshit and show us for once and for all that they're a company solely interested in fist-fucking their customers? After you fist-fuck yourself, you stuff those sanctorum covered latex gloves down your throat, make the sweet release of death even more inevitable by enjoying a cigarette, then freshen your breath with a TSTT mint. Of course, we could react by telling those smug overpaid rapists to come remove their equipment from your premises, but is that going to happen?
As soon as TSTT workers unanimously agree to a pay cut....

Sunday, July 18, 2004

I went to church this morning. I went to St Matthias in Laventille. I like that church because it's small and intimate. I was invited to join the Mother's Union.So, I went to the meeting not knowing what to expect.
Well...for a group of old ladies, they real noisy. All of them talking at the same time, who bossing who
But I wont give up on them so soon. They old and they really are trying. I have some ideas to give; actually I gave a few this morning. Hopefully it should help the group be more vibrant.
But I havent forgotten my church in Diego. I will pass in sometime.

Saturday, July 17, 2004

Tonight was rich in good entertainment on TV.
I watched a bit of Bowling For Columbine. Michael Moore is a piece of work, but I think we need more people like him. He is sensational to say the least, but he gets my mind going. Fahrenheit 9/11 is a most see for everyone.
Then I watch the Miracle worker. This was the story of Helen Keller and her teacher Annie Sullivan. If those names are NOT familiar to you, use Goggle.
Then I watched Crime and Punishment. This is the REAL Law and Order. That was very interesting as well.
Now I just wish these people would come and fix my reception!!!!!

The past few days were great.
I really enjoyed my boyfriend's company. We laughed a lot, we talked even more, and we got to know each other even more profoundly. We arent in this relationship just for the time being. We are in it for the long haul.
We spent a lot of money for the past few days too. If it's two things we like to do together, it's watch movies and eat. No wait, we played a video game together today, so that might be three :P
too cute!

yuh know, yuh give people a bleeding inch and they want to take a frigging mile.




Friday, July 16, 2004

Thanks to Richjob!
The Spiderman Survey
1. Have you seen Spiderman:yes
2. How about Spiderman 2:just saw it
3. What did you think about them:I enjoyed the sencond much more than the first
4. Isn't Toby the perfect actor for the part:oh yeah
5. And Kirsten? Wow. Beautiful, right?:hell no..she sucks
6. What was your favorite scene from either/both movies:the train scene when the passengers lifted spiderman over their heads
7. Did you catch that the movie actually had morals?:oh yeah definitely
8. What was your favorite moral:that there actually is a hero inside of everyone
9. Didn't Aunt May's speech in S2 motivated you?:oh yeah..nearly brought tears to my eyes
10. Did you enjoy that there was a love story included?:it could have been omitted
11. Were you mad when he was unmasked during the train scene?:not really nah
12. Do you agree that part AFTER the train stopped was kind of dumb?:no I dont!!!!
13. If you saw S2, are you going to go see it again?:nah..once is good enough for me
14. Did you go out and rent Spiderman to watch it again before S2?:watched it on cable
15. Is there going to be a Spiderman 3?:oh yeah..lizard and green goblin are making an appearance

The Spiderman Survey brought to you by BZOINK!

I just saw Spider Man 2. It was GREAT.
At first I was under some pressure because my boyfriend is such a big Spider Man fan.
Anyway.... what struck me about this movie is that that was a lot more depth to each character than before.
I always love seeing Stan Lee's cameos. He was listed in the credits as "Man dodging debris" LOL.
I loved the fight scenes..they were just awesome.
And I just loved that Peter Parker got the girl in the end..Gosh...he deserved some kind of happiness.
Go see it. It's TERRIFIC!

Wednesday, July 14, 2004

I didnt do a thing today yes

I stayed home and watched TV. This vacation is SWEET!!

The situation with crime is really bothering me. I am not scared, but I definitely dont feel safe.

Tuesday, July 13, 2004

50 Random Questions!
Describe your physical appearence:average height, brownskinned with glasses
Bite your nails?:nope
Ever dyed your hair?:yes burgundy
Going to get a tattoo?:no way
Don't you love french fries?:of course
Ever kissed?:yeah
Which little piggy might you be?!:the one that stayed home
Ever read Anne Frank?:yes
Do you think her diary is a fake?:no
What's the screwiest thing you've ever done?:screwy is not a word I use to describe my actions
How tall are you?:5 feet 6 inches
When I say Jesus, what comes to mind?:Christ
Do you have a religion?:yes
Why?:because it is a comfort to me
If I told you Jesus was a bastard, how would you react?:i would be horrified
How do you stand on the whole, Bald vs. Shaved thing?:both are fine with me
Write any word:word
Like jokes?:yes
Well, you're ugly.:like your mother!!!
That wasn't a joke. XD How did you react?:i was a lil upset
Favorite dog?:i dont like dogs
Scared of clowns?:nah
What is the coolest pet to have?:none
What's the best gift you've ever recieved?:hmmm...Lord of the Rings series
Are you sentimental?:oh yeah
D'you listen to rock music?:sometimes
Who do you like better, Linkin Park or Brandnew?:LINKIN PARK RULES!!!
How are you feeling as of now?:i am content
What are you listening to?:the TV
Besides this, what are you doing?:watching TV
Are you a smart-, jack-, dumb, or lame-ass?:lame-ass
Did you lie on the last question? XD:no
Why are you even taking this survey?:i'm bored
How would you torture someone?:I would let them teach a class and let them correct the papers. That is torture for me!
Who would you torture?:My boss!
Why?:because he annoys me and thinks he knows it al
Do you think penguins are adorable?:nope
What are you allergic to?:dust, animal fur
Interested in sex?:yeah
Would you be the submissive or dominate partner?:i like to interchange
Why do you think that?:because it makes it exciting
Are you easily angered?:yes
Do you get scared or quiet in social situations?:initially
Ever chased a car?:no
What's your label?:i dont think I have one
Is it because of your looks?:nope
What just pisses you off?:lack of understanding
What makes you smile?:being in the company of good people
Are you huggy, or huggable?:huggy

Beware! Randomness Ahead! brought to you by BZOINK!

Today is our 10th month anniversary...same day as Cary's birthday.

I would like to take this opportunity to say HAPPY BIRTHDAY CARY!!
Hope you have a great day today!

To my baby:
Thanks for loving me completely. There were times when I thought I did not deserve your love, but you gave it anyway. You are a generous, giving person, always willing to take care of all my needs. I never want for anything when I am with you. I was a complete person when I met you, but you have filled me with such joy and peace and love, I wonder now how I was living each day without it.

Your love, your support means everything to me and I hope it never diminshes.

I love you with all my heart.

Monday, July 12, 2004

Have you ever looked back on a relationship and wondered what the FUCK was I thinking?

Well my ex bf is on my msn list. I deleted him but I didnt block him. I mean I dont hate him eh, but jeezan ages..i realise I have no respect for him whatsoever and every time I talk to him I always feel to mess him up..and I do usually ...and he still talks to me. He is full of himself and thinks that everyone actually cares about the stories he has to share.


Sunday, July 11, 2004

It's such a flattering thought to know that a guy can be liming with his friends and he still thinks about his gf.


Just a while ago I was reminiscing about how we met, the cool things we used to go, the development of our feelings.

I feel really lucky to not be on that whole dating scene, to not have to wonder if that guy who is calling me interested in ME or getting in my pants; wonder why he eh call me, or thinking I shouldnt call him so as not to show interest; wait until he tells me he likes me first...all that kinna ting.

Some men my age dont know what they want and they mislead women. I recommend to anybody..go younger. :P

Saturday, July 10, 2004

I was a lil disappointed with Prisoner of azkaban. There were some things cut out that did not affect the story, but the things that they did decide to put in, they changed it up.

But it was still good though...

Daniel! heh heh heh

These past couple of days were really nice. We went to see Harry Potter FINALLY. I am doing an in depth look at the differences between movie and book.

Then we went to dinner at pizza hut. I stuffed myself yes. I was supposed to go to work on Friday, but I duck them and stayed home with my bf. We did nothing really but the time spent together was really nice. We had a really indepth convo about the future and what we wanted. In any relationship, I think it's a good thing to have convos like this so that you can see if the two of you are on the right track.
Then today we just lazed around.

He took really good care of me, seeing to all my needs. Thank you baby.


Wednesday, July 07, 2004

I'm sitting in a maxi on my way home and a woman offers me some of her nuts. Now I saw her take it out off her bag unopened, so I am fairly certain that she didnt put anything in it. But I was just amazed that she did that.

Another time, a woman offered me one of her bananas.

Would you take food that is offered to you by a stranger?


I am finished. I dont have to teach for a few weeks well.

What do I have planned for the vacation?
Well, the BF and I have some stops to make at the cinema and other places, limes with friends, and just resting.

I love staying home. Thank God I have cable and internet access.

I plan to spend some time with my niece. She is at the age now where she is soaking up things like a sponge. Imagine her parents spelt c-a-k-e and she knew what it was without her being told. I have to get some Spanish in there somewhere.

I promise to buy myself some books to read and borrow some comics from my bf to keep the brain going.

I have a workshop to go to in August. So lots of things are planned.

I see already in September we have a long weekend.


Monday, July 05, 2004

I still have work to do and I am here on the computer.


I am thinking about my future. How to earn extra cash without giving lessons? I was thinking about a taxi. Trincity is a real profitable route I feel. Children going to the school and people going to the cinema. Real good money. But to find someone reliable. hmmmm...

Philo going to the States and sending down barrels to sell stuff. Not a bad idea. But a market must be readily available...

I'll ponder it some more.

Today in work most people brought their kids. It was a nice pace, hearing the kids running around and playing hide and seek and Monster. Then of ccourse people started to make jokes about me bringing mine to work. Of course, the youngie in the staff room said how he cant see me with a child.

I love my niece, but I also love giving her back to her parents. I like coming home and seeing about me, and ever so often, my boyfriend.

hmmm..pressure having a boyfriend who WRITES for a living, read your blog. (is that right, baby?)

He is able to point out all the errors. He will make a good English teacher.

I felt very ashamed when he pointed out all my errors

Sunday, July 04, 2004

so the correcting still continues


This was a BESS post on TS yes. It so bad people have it saved on their PC yes!!!

PS..I did not write it.

I always wonder which is more enjoyable.

I'm a foreplay kinda to be thorough, love to kiss, use my mouth, touch and caress, do all those romantic things you read about, and usually it works well.

I like to see reactions...the subtle changes in body position, muscles tensing, breathing increase...the long, low moans that start from the belly.

Then penetration is just the icing on the cake. Well, more than that, but you enter slow, keep the rhythm nice and constant, feel every inch fit into her, open her up and increase speed...and depth, until you see your chick just loving it.

Rocking feel like you want to stop and just hold her and say how you feel, but you let your body, your whole body, express your desire and your passion.

Caress her back and her face while you slide in and out. Lean forward and kiss her...your lips just touching her as the movement keeps you from gving her that perfect touch of your lips...then you slide deep, deep inside, and kiss her, and start to thrust again while your tongue caresses hers. Feel her groan right into your mouth.

Plus, you say all these really sexy things...emotional things, that make even YOU feel good, both physically and in your heart. She looks so happy and in such a she's lost in sweet, sweet loving.

Making love is great.

But rough, hard f*cking...that can be great too. Aggressive, rough, fast and hard. Deep, with a hard grip on a hip or shoulder, pulling back into you as you push hard into her. Collision of torsos, dripping sweat, and that constant feeling of being on the edge of orgasm.

Penetration so sweet and hard that she looks like she wants to cry. So hrd that she doesn't know whether it's hurting her or driving her mad with pleasure.

Grunting, screaming, spanking, dirty, teasing, harsh talk.

And then an intense orgasm that makes you drop onto the bed...spent.

Which is better? Which time is best for which?

Here are a few of the comments by Bill Cosby which stirred debate following his May 17th speech at a Brown v. Board of Education anniversary celebration in the nation's capital:

"People marched and were hit in the face with rocks to get an education, and now we've got these knuckleheads walking around. . . . The lower economic people are not holding up their end in this deal. These people are not parenting."

"I am talking about these people who cry when their son is standing there in an orange suit. Where were you when he was 2? Where were you when he was 12? Where were you when he was 18 and how come you didn't know that he had a pistol? And where is the father?"

"People putting their clothes on backward: Isn't that a sign of something gone wrong? . . . People with their hats on backward, pants down around the crack, isn't that a sign of something, or are you waiting for Jesus to pull his pants up? Isn't it a sign of something when she has her dress all the way up . . . and got all type of needles (piercing) going through her body? What part of Africa did this come from? We are not Africans. Those people are not Africans; they don't know a . . . thing about Africa."

"With names like Shaniqua, Taliqua and Mohammed and all of that crap, and all of them are in jail. Brown versus the Board of Education is no longer the white person's problem. We have got to take the neighborhood back. . . . They are standing on the corner and they can't speak English."

"People used to be ashamed. . . . [Today] a woman has eight children with eight different 'husbands,' or men or whatever you call them now."

"The idea is to one day get out of the projects. You don't just stay there."

"We have millionaire football players who can't read. We have million-dollar basketball players who can't write two paragraphs."

"We cannot blame white peopleā€¦"

"The incarcerated? These are not political criminals. These are people going around stealing Coca-Cola. People getting shot in the back of the head over a piece of pound cake and then we run out and we are outraged, saying, 'The cops shouldn't have shot him.' What the hell was he doing with the pound cake in his hand?"
Source: The Washington Post

This is some good stuff right here!!

aye..allyuh not seeing dat?

Caught the garter last week and now this week talking about being my husband.

"Get me to the church on time..."

hee hee

yesterday was such a nice day...
sleeping while the rain falling with your SO is a great feeling.

I always like these special days when he is playful and he likes to hug me and kiss me up.

But hear ting...Last night he was listening for the car to come back..and when it did he said...yuh glad yuh husband have ears like that eh....

LOL..Freudian slip if i ever did see one....

Thursday, July 01, 2004

SEA results are out today..I dont know anybody who did it, but all I know is I will be registering some of the 175 who will grace our school in September. I like form ones..they are energetic, enthusiastic and very generous. I got the majority of my mangoes from them..hee hee. They soak up information like sponges and I like that. There are exceptions however that I am sure will crop up.

I was watching gayelle news and a girl said that she passed for Providence. When asked how she felt about, she fought to say, "It ok." You could see disapointment all over the girl's face.
Another girl passed for her second choice: Bishop Anstey. *GASP* second choice???? That was my first choice school!!!!
*sigh* I hope that is not a sign of the times.

i paid 19$ for a meal today...i regret that.
I could make better pie than that.

I cyah make calaloo just yet...but that pie real buss!

anybody wants to help me correct spanish papers?

You wouldnt have much to would just be marking Xs....
