Somewhere I Belong...

Wednesday, July 21, 2004

What is their name?:His initials are KJ
What is their middle name?:I honestly dont remember
What ethnicity are they?:African
Favorite color?:blue
Favorite movie?:Spiderman anything
Hobbies?:playing video games, reading
What school?:University
Favorite kind of music?:music from anime movies and video games
Favorite singer/band?:i dont know
Favorite TV show?:Law and Order SVU
Favorite actor?:he has a few
Favorite actress?:Halle Berry ;)
Favorite song?:he has a few
Favorite musical?:not into that too much
Dream job?:Communications officer 
Fears?:that he would not succeed
What do they dream about?:hmmmph..dont want to talk about THAT!
Any pets?:yeah, a dog
Eye colour?:he says black, but I look into his eyes all the time and I see brown
Play an instrument?:used to play piano
For how long?:mnths i think
Siblings?:yes a sis and a bro
Do they like their family?:deep down, yes
What bothers them?:I dont have space to put all that
Do they go to church?:no
What do you two:do? Talk, brush, watch movies, laugh, hug, kiss..
Political affiliation?:none
Birthday?:next week!
Do they drive?:yes
If so, what kind of vehicle?:a silver car
What is the first movie they ever saw?:i have no idea
Favorite names? (like, for kids):once it's African I have no problem
Do they want kids?:yes, a girl
Do they want to get married?:yes
Which era do they wish they lived in?:this era is good for him
Their celebrity crush(es)?:i dont know
Natural hair colour?:black
Obsessions?:he doesnt have obsessions. There are just some things he loves a lot.
Favorite character (in a movie)?:Spiderman
Do they think you're nuts?:no 
Do they write poetry?:yes
Favorite school subject?:Literature
How many previous:previous what???
What movie do they hate?:Torque (which I warned him about)
Who is their best friend? (other than you :D):Warren
What is their purpose in life?:I honestly think he is destined for great things
What would they like to get for their birthday, but is way too expensive?:computer upgrade and a trip to Tobago
Favorite letter?:maybe K
Favorite number?:mine! lol 

How well do you know your significant other? (50 Questions) brought to you by BZOINK!


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