Somewhere I Belong...

Tuesday, November 30, 2004

So I just finished watching Love Actually.
Not exactly what I had in mind. But it was cute.
I especially loved the little boy and the story with Kiera Knightley.
SNAPE horn his wife yes!
Colin Firth is sexy!!!

I remember the first time I saw Colin. It was in sixth form Bishop's. We were watching Pride and Prejudice in the AV room. We've had that connection ever since.


yeah yeah..time for bed.

I am reading the FIRST convo that I had with Kayode on MSN and I just realised...I was lyricsing him. He was lyricsing me too eh... but still!!!

(#)Ayanna Banana(#) Kayode ggGF3TI200: you come across so cool and pleasant on MSN
(#)Ayanna Banana(#) Kayode ggGF3TI200: imagine how u would be in person

hee hee.

REAL hint I drop dey ENT???

Today was such a frustrating day.
I find out that I am the only spanish teacher not only reading but examining, but I did it anyway. I mean what can I do?

I asked some sweet form fours to correct my multiple choice. That helped so much.

Form Twos just irritated me.

I started correcting the form threes and I realise that they did a lot of mess. I already am coming up with some strategies for them to try to correct some of their bad habits.

F*** co workers who go against what you decided in meetings.

Gosh... I was just trying to tell a story. STEUPS.

Monday, November 29, 2004

I got up so late this morning. I am having problems sleeping.

I keep dreaming about my father and the dreams are getting worse. AT first they started off with him being sick and not speaking. Then there was one when he was smiling and looked happy. Now I keep dreaming these violent dreams. And it always involves my sister and I. My mother thinks he didnt get a good send off at the funeral. I wouldnt doubt it. But oh gorm...leave meh alone nah. I didnt plan the funeral.

Today was a very relaxing day for me. I had no supervsion for exams. That was great!

A student in my class broke his wrist today while playing football. If yuh see how that wrist looked eh. I cringed. But the amazing one was that the nurse was the one who stabilized his wrist, spoke to him so he would feel the pain, made a makeshift splint and helped him to the car. But he told his mom to tell me thanks because I stayed with him till his mom came.
Go figure.

I stayed back after school and talk real crap with some co workers of mine. Those laughs were good.

Now it is on to correcting papers...bummer.

Sunday, November 28, 2004

Yesterday my boyfriend and I went to Naparima Bowl. He had to cover the event there. It was ok. The best part was the free food at the end.
Boy is San Fernando nasty. YUCK! When I was walking I had to hold my breath. Last night was just nice for the both of us. We were going down in the taxi and I guess both of us were in our own thoughts. Then he nudged me and showed me a rainbow. That was so nice. The other time he nudged me was when I was trying to eat a biscuit in Naparima Bowl. I felt like two years old.
:S. I normally do that kinda thing to my students. :P

One of my favourite students invited me to visit his church this Sunday. I didnt mind. Although I am Anglican, I dont mind worshipping somewhere else. I would admit the service was long. But the best part was...I WON TWO HUNDRED DOLLARS! Numbers were given out during the service. I had 229. I normally dont win things like this so I wasnt really paying attention, until I heard my number!!! I'm going to get my money next week!!! heh heh heh!!

Right now I am trying to organise lunch. Hope it comes out good :s

Saturday, November 27, 2004

I am in pain. After effects of tae bo.

I went and paid all my bills this morning. The phone bill was high so that didnt help at all. I took one of the new shuttles from City Gate to go on Wrightson Road, when I heard the driver say that school children scratched the glass of the maxi. That was annoying, I'm sure.

This morning I went for my first driving lesson. It wasnt so bad at all...until....
I was on Ariapita Avenue by the traffic light by Sweet Lime about to make a right turn. The instructor is telling me to go ahead and make the turn. But I am seeing a trunk barrelling down the road and I froze. That shook me up a lil bit. But I realized that I have until March to get it right.

I went in POS and bought two shoes for $100 in Shoe Locker's sale. Yuh cyah beat dat! It felt good spending some money on myself, so I decided to go a little further and buy Avril Lavigne's new CD.

Then I came home. I have to go in the grocery because these cupboards are bare.


Thursday, November 25, 2004

This always happens. At the end of the term, I start getting up later and later. I am getting stressed out.

The form fives sat their exams today. I am looking forward to the shit. *rolls eyes*
You plan your lesson, you give them hints, make things easy and then they still do shit!

Today for box lunch, they got ice cream. I admit I took one.

School ends at 240pm. SO anything time after that is mine, not so? I am doing my tae-bo. Someone brings the message that there is someone to see me in the office. I went because I really wanted a break, but I saw no one in the office. I went back to taebo. A few minutes later, a parent sticks her head into the class asking for me. Well, I told her class finishes at 430. She was most upset. She stood up there and waited for me in the front where she expected me to pass. Well, my friend drove in the back and we left that way.


I wonder if she still waiting there for me.

Parents need to realise that they need to make appointments. She just cant come when she wants to speak to me ESPECIALLY after 240pm . The principal told us we dont have to entertain parents when they dont make appointments ( one of the smartest things he has said) and I am sticking to that.

Wednesday, November 24, 2004

I am not pleased. Tonight a friend confided in me that she has a new person in her life. I am really glad for her, but then she said that he is 'ending off' a relationship. The guy is waiting for the girl to finish her exams before breaking up with her.


Having a gf even though the relationship is ending is a sign to stay away. WHy is she getting herself involved with him? Even if he breaks up with her, he will be on the rebound.


Tuesday, November 23, 2004

Oh great. I wasnt paying attention to the machine and it overflowed. STEUPS.

A machine overflowing in an apt...lots of fun!

I had a post for yesterday, but apparently it went somewhere else. *sigh*

I had to go to Licensing to get a new learner's permit. I travelled in the new commuter buses. It was fantastic. I would travel in it again. But they should make it a lil more competitive. It's 3$ just like a taxi.
I went to Licensing. The run around was horrendous and the people were uncouth. But what made it better was a visit to the boyfriend. That was cool. So cool I said f*** school and went home. hee hee

Current went twice yesterday in addition to going twice on Sunday. BOOOOOOOO

Anyway, my new fav reality show is The Biggest Loser. Yuh cant fake that shit!!!

Monday, November 22, 2004

Sunday, November 21, 2004

Yuh know what? I am not pleased, not FUCKING pleased.

I watched "I am Sam" last night. Hear nah!!! I REAL CRY!!!!

Sean Penn did an excellent job yes. Unlike Cuba Gooding Jr, who look like an idiot.

Saturday, November 20, 2004

I would like to congratulate my bro on getting his first job!!!!
I hope he does very well. YAY!

Friday, November 19, 2004

Today was a stress-free day.
We had a teachers vs students football match today. We beat then 2-0. HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!
Then we stayed back and had some beers (well, not me) and had some laughs. It was nice. I just got home.


I started my first aid course today. It was very interesting. The sad thing is it is only for three sessions. :(

The weekend is here..THANK GOD!!!

Thursday, November 18, 2004

My day wasnt so bad. I gave the fourth formers the morning off as they have completed everything they need to know for their exams. SO we just chatted.
Third formers are a wretched group of students.
Well, bacchanal in my class today.

A student W, who could not see the noard, went and sat by another student,S, so he could see better. S did not like that and told him to move, he does not like students like W sitting next to him. W told S that he is 'sleeping with' his mother. S told W that he raped Jesus, then told him that he raped Satan.

I was livid yes. I called both parents one time. I'm seeing one in the morning.
I mean, I cant truly stop the mother talk nah, but it really gets out of hand sometimes.

Wednesday, November 17, 2004

Well, my bro is really a technician. He fiddled up with the box and it start back working yes. I eh know what he do.

Today wasnt so bad.

Right now I am watching a show on HBo where they are reading final letters from soldiers who died in Iraq.

It's so touching eh.

Tuesday, November 16, 2004


Trinidad needs to do something about this shit. We need to say we are not paying our bill until this shit is rectified.

I fell asleep in front of my TV only to wake up to see L-01 on my box and the channels just changing. Whatever upgrade they are doing is SHIT!!!!

I wish some group would lead the country in a nation wide boycott. I ready yuh know. Is time to take fucking action man!!!!!

I wish I had one more day to rest. I really do.
But I made it to school on time.
I had my first two periods free, which was nice.
Then I had form fives to deal with, not so nice.
Serving the lunches wasnt so bad today. Students gave less trouble than usual.

Right now I am cooking dinner, just felt like making a nice meal. My brother helped, which really cut down on some time. Maybe I should make him do some more.....
Our relationship is getting better. I really want him to get this job.

Monday, November 15, 2004

So finally he got up.
I didnt want to leave as yet, but work beckons. We had so much fun this weekend. But no more fun until exams are over...for both of us.

My mom and I just spoke. She is a real sweetie yes.
Yes she nags. Whose mom doesnt? But she really is my hero yes.
I love my mommy.


How my mother put up with snoring I will never know, but I CANT TAKE IT!!!

I need sleep!!!!


Sunday, November 14, 2004


"The Value in the Valley" is such a boss book. I am reading a part where she is talking about her father's funeral and this woman is describing EXACTLY how I felt!!! EXACTLY EXACTLY!

She said that she did not attend the wake because " In my own pea brain, I guess I was trying to show him something.' Which is true for me. See? I didnt help pay for your funeral. That's what you get for not buying my school books. * sticks tongue out at dead father*
In the end she forgive her father. I am still trying to.

I am reading another moving chapter now which basically says that if you are dishonest, you will be surrounded by dishonest people. "If you keep thinking and saying that men are dogs, you will attract a pack of hounds."

Uh-huh, that one is for us ladies.

Last night, my boyfriend and I had one of those 'talks'.
Our religious views are very different..VERY different.
But he still encourages me to go to church. I, however, have stopped asking him to come with me.
I decided that I was going to church this morning. Too many Sundays I have stayed the weekend and just slept for the whole Sunday morning.

I went to Trinity Cathedral and I thoroughly enjoyed the service. I feel lighter, more at ease and ready for the new week ahead.

Saturday, November 13, 2004

The best thing I did this morning was sit back and watch "Falling Down." That was a great movie.

Yesterday was a nice day..very relaxed. The usual offenders stayed home.

Heh....things are working out.

Thursday, November 11, 2004

When you are bored, find something to do. Thoughts start swirling around your mind...not-so-good thoughts.

Yes, I am frustrated...very frustrated. But I hope this time will pass soon and things can go forward.

I cant wait until after you graduate.


I am so bored today. I have nothing to eat here, rain is falling, steups.....

Happy Divali to one and all.
I am grateful for this holiday. My body was showing signs of wear and tear.

Last night I watched a great reality show called Wife Swap. Hear nah....
Bacchanal...I'm going to add this one to the list. I dont think they could have faked that.

Right now I am reading "The Value in the Valley." Interesting book. Just makes me realise that we women take a lot of shit.


Wednesday, November 10, 2004

Congrats to my boyfriend on finishing his essay and good luck on the new one. I'm very proud of him.

This morning I wasnt feeling too well, but I went to school anyway. I had form fives and it wasnt a bad class.

The big drama was when a cell phone went off in my class. Of course no one wanted to own up, so I called the dean and five phones were seized. It was great.
After that incident, my head started to pound. Luckily, I had no classes as well as a friend of mine was leaving early so I got a drop home. I came and slept it off. Now I am just waiting on a hug from my boyfriend to make things all better.
He so sweet eh. He's really one of the good guys.


Tuesday, November 09, 2004

My boyfriend and I talked so much today. We talked this morning for about one and a half hours and tonight, well, I lost track. Let's just say TSTT will be really glad this mnth.


I get emotional for the simplest of things. I'm sorry, baby.

Monday, November 08, 2004

I am getting the cold.

Today wasnt bad nah. Not too bad at all. I corrected the majority of my work so I am taking it a bit easy tonight.

Sunday, November 07, 2004

Baby, you're my family.

She knows....she knows I am having sex.

She didnt lecture me. She just asked me what type of protection I am using. wow..... cant fool them at least, not my mother.

Kayode, I saw what you did to the page. Can you change it back now???

You are something else you know. No wonder you were asking me if I was going back online. Hmmph...

But it is funny...LOL

I just read a forward about men. I LOVE some of the points:

If a man wants you, nothing can keep him away. If he doesn't want you, nothing can make him stay. I believe this so much. No matter how hard you try to show a man that you are the woman for him, once HE doesnt believe it, crapaud smoke your pipe.

Don't settle. Nuff said!

Don't stay because you think "it will get better." You'll be mad at yourself a year later for staying when things are not better.

You cannot change a man's behaviors. Change comes from within. So true. My boyfriend made some changes in his life because he wanted to. No pressure from me. :D

Never borrow someone else's man.

I hope this helps someone who is reading it.

Saturday, November 06, 2004

This morning I was greeted with the words 'I love you.' What a fantastic way to start the day. Saturday is normally our day together but I got babysitting duties. Luckily next week is a long weekend and by then the two assignments would have been completed so I would have MY time.

My niece was a lot of fun. I realise that I can have real conversations with her. No baby talk whatsoever. I was giving her biscuits to eat and she told me thank you mommy, then she corrected herself and gave me a lil grin like she realised the mistake that she made. I love watching her grow up.

Friday, November 05, 2004

Today wasnt so bad nah. A lot better than yesterday.

Lately I havent been inspired to write in my blog. I'm just so tired. I shouldnt be. There were only two football matches this week. *sigh*
I wont go so much in the Knockout games. Too hectic.....

I am babysitting this weekend. That means I have to get my rest. I cant WAIT!!!

Thursday, November 04, 2004

Imagine I lose out to a piece of hot bake yes!!!


Today was an ok day yes, just ok..nothing exciting.

Wednesday, November 03, 2004

This morning I got up at 430am. YAY!

I left early and arrived at work on time.
Today was a tough day. Really tough. Like the boys PMSing all at the same time.

Imagine a boy told me yesterday he reached to class late because he was walking slowly. ANother one today told me he is not doing spanish because he did poorly at midterm and he is protesting.

big STEUPS! One less paper to mark!

My form one team won against Barataria Jun Sec 3-1. The first half the boys were sluggish, but they get a good boff and they woke up though. THAT was a good match. I enjoyed it.

Baby, I dont want you to keep things from me because you think I would think differently about you.
I love you. I could never look down on you. I want to support you, be there for you during any tough time.

Please dont shut me out.

Tuesday, November 02, 2004

Today was a frustrating day. Like all the students decided today is their I'm not doing work day.


I'm tired.
I need a hug.
