Somewhere I Belong...

Thursday, November 18, 2004

My day wasnt so bad. I gave the fourth formers the morning off as they have completed everything they need to know for their exams. SO we just chatted.
Third formers are a wretched group of students.
Well, bacchanal in my class today.

A student W, who could not see the noard, went and sat by another student,S, so he could see better. S did not like that and told him to move, he does not like students like W sitting next to him. W told S that he is 'sleeping with' his mother. S told W that he raped Jesus, then told him that he raped Satan.

I was livid yes. I called both parents one time. I'm seeing one in the morning.
I mean, I cant truly stop the mother talk nah, but it really gets out of hand sometimes.


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