Somewhere I Belong...

Tuesday, March 30, 2004

Today is a holiday. I needed it!!

On msn, I have a pic of my bf and me kissing, and it seems to shock people a lil bit. So I was showing a friend of mine the pics that we have, just reminiscing. After that, I came offline and went to sleep.
Then I heard the phone ring, then someone was l knocking at the door. Then I saw my bf peeking through the window. :D
It felt so surreal, like he was in the pictures then he materialised right there in front of me. Kissing him even seemed different, his lips seemed fuller and sweeter.


Monday, March 29, 2004

Only once in your life, I truly believe, you find someone who can completely turn your world around. You tell them things that you've never shared with another soul and they absorb everything you say and actually want to hear more.

When something wonderful happens, you can't wait to tell them about it, knowing they will share in your excitement.

Never do they hurt your feelings or make you feel like you are not good enough, but rather they build you up and show you the things about yourself that make you special and even beautiful.You can be yourself and not worry about what they will think of you because they love you for who you are. You find that being vulnerable is the only way to allow your heart to feel true pleasure that's so real it scares you.
You find strength in knowing you have a true friend and possibly a soul mate who will remain loyal to the end. Life seems completely different, exciting and worthwhile. Your only hope and security is in knowing that they are a part of your life!

I really liked i decided to share.

The gentle touch of your hand
Sends a shiver down my spine
The gentle kiss of your lips
I hope you'll always be mine

The softness of the words "I love you"
The ones whispered in my ear
The softness of you holding me close
Now I know I have nothing to fear

You kiss me again
This time on the cheek
I have been searching for the most perfect guy
I now no longer have to seek

Sunday, March 28, 2004

to milky and pookie,

I would just like to wish you guys Happy 9th Anniversary. I know you guys have been through a lot and (sorry to say) you might encounter more shit...but the love is strong. I can see it.
I wish u guys all the best.

Saturday, March 27, 2004

Today was a great day.

I went to buy cloth with my sister right there in el socorro and we got some good pieces of cloth. I went by her after and limed for a bit and I got to see my niece. She gave me some BIG hugs which I so loved receiving. Then my sister and I just chatted for a lil while which we dont really get to do often.

Then I went to have lunch with my bf. But before we ate, he had to eat first. heh heh heh
then we went to the restaurant. We really like that place not only because the food is good and the prices are reasonable, but it's really very intimate. After we ate, we just went back by him and we talked . Then he went to lime and i went home.

Today just reaffirmed my love for him. It grew deeper..I felt it. I looked into his eyes I saw LOVE. When he wrapped his arms around me after we made love, I felt LOVE.
I just..... love him.

Friday, March 26, 2004

I just love the relationship I have with my boyfriend. I love the comfort, the security, the happiness, the loving I am experiencing.

I still get excited to see him, to hear his voice. When that phone rings, more than likely it's him because nobody else really calls me, I get really excited. And I dont care what people say, I want that feeling that I have for him stay with me forever.

I havent written since!
Nothing out of the way has happened.
yesterday I had a parents meeting which ended at 630pm
I was aching after that meeting.
Today I went to the music festival. Music teachers need more pay!!!
The school band from my school that competed placed second. But just the sheer talent that was seen...especially from my alma mater... I think they need more money.
they work really hard.

Wednesday, March 24, 2004

life is good.
I had a nice time today with some students of mine. They were teaching me how to play tennis and they were really supportive. Of course they laughed when I missed the ball, but they also cheered me on when I hit the ball well.

I have some good boys in my class.

Ok so we just spoke and it was cool.
I'm tired of falling out for shit.
It's not as if I have to deal with him liming in the bars too much or a setta ah woman calling or him spending too much money or that kinda thing. I really dont.
The only thing he probably does is spend a good amt of time on the computer or maybe work at times when I want to see him.
So what am I upset about????
I have it real good. I am not going to let this one get away nah!
I love him too bad!

so it's wednesday 24th march and i cant usual.
Do you know what it is like having something to say and the person you want to say it to doesnt want to listen?

Tuesday, March 23, 2004

so normally when my bf and I have an disagreement, we talk about it. We dont go to bed angry.
Tonight, however, he wants to wait until TOMORROW to talk about it.

That really hurts


i have a bad temper. I really do.

so I admit it.
I am an attention whore.
Now dont get me wrong..I dont seek attention from society or everybody in work...I just like it from a select few. Just a few.
And one of those of course is my boyfriend.
and another one is my psychology lecturer. i hardly do counselling, but I am on top of my psychology.

Sunday, March 21, 2004

today was a real nice day. I spent a few hours with the BF.
I didnt see him for ten days
I missed having his hands around me and him kissing me.

those few hours were not enough.

I babysat my niece yesterday and I am going to say that I am officially an auntie.
why? because she finally called me auntie without prodding from her mother. and she was calling me that for the majority of the time she was with me.

My sister came back from seeing Passion with her eyes real small. She said she was crying from the beginning of the movie. I eh too sure i want to see it nah.

Saturday, March 20, 2004

Last night I realised how cool my sis is. She's 30, but when we were younger, she used to make my life a living hell. I look up to my sister a lot, even now. But when I was about 6, she came in our room with some hair on a scissors and said, "look! I cut my hair!"> So I wanted to do what she did, so I went to cut my hair. Nex t thing yuh know, she told my mother and I get a cut skin yes. YEARS later she told me she just took the hair out of the brush and put it on the scissors.


Friday, March 19, 2004

Today was a cool day.
I ordered the KFC, but the finances got a lil messed up. *sigh* I tried. But it seemed as if they enjoyed it.
I felt really good when a boy called me to tell me they won their category at Music festival. maybe he called his mom, but he called me too!
that was cool!

I havent written anything sappy in a loooong time. It's not because things are bad. Quite the opposite. Things are really excellent! We are closer than ever, more in love (if that is possible) and we are just yapping up a storm. I dont want to see my phone bill at the end of the mnth. :S
I dont feel sappy anymore. I am just confident in my relationship. I love my boyfriend with all my heart, but it's just not sappy. It's settled.

Thursday, March 18, 2004

Today wasnt so bad. I came up with the idea that although my boys did not win the debate, that we should still celebrate their making it to the semis. Tomorrow is KFC!
I'm alos making some posters right now just to motivate them a lil bit. I gave out reports today and some of them did well and some of them...hmmm.

Now I have a nickname..seche..which means "dry". Now I got that name in sixth form because my friends all thought that I used to say things in the driest of tones and it was amusing. NOW, I doing it at school, but with students. I say things that in MY mind is normal, but to them is a makeout scene. I always feel bad.
The boys think I am trying to embarrass them, but really, I'm not aware of what I'm doing.

Wednesday, March 17, 2004

well This morning I woke up with a headache due to the stress of the class.
I took some tablets and went to school. But guess what? I didnt teach!
My form two class. I played BINGO. Form one class..we looked at the world book of records and played hangman. Form fours... taught them numbers and those who finished first, i gave them a chocolate. The form two class we finished a chapter in the book then I played mad libs with them.
I really couldnt teach.

My class lost their debate today. :(
I really thought they were good but i guess the other team was better. I didnt even see them. Normally they check me before they they just left.

Last night was probably one of the worst classes on my life.
Three groups in the class had to present. The first group was excellent..really well put together.
The second group failed because only one person presented and like she didnt know what she was presenting.
My group..hmm..yours truly gave a good presentation. I drew a diagram to illustrate my point and after wards people said they understood the topic better.Then the other two presented and it was cool.
the last part was the compare and contrast something. The last presenter just basically repeated what we had said earlier.
well hear nah! I was PISSED!! It's a group project therefore I am getting a bad mark.but the bacchanal was when we had to give feedback and people started to share their opinions. Well....that was bacchanal. I kept my mouth shut.

Tuesday, March 16, 2004

my psychology class was grade A bacchanal tonight, however my group's presentation was not.. and I am PISSED!
more tomorrow

Monday, March 15, 2004

Today was a good day.
There is aboy in my form two class. He wasnt the best student in spanish when he come in. But when I tell yuh, he tried so hard, that I saw him improve. Before he used to hesitate to answer questions, now he has so much confidence. So I wrote him a letter telling him that and gave him a chocolate. I really saw the appreciation when he told me thank you.

My class was invloved in a debate today and I admit I helped them. Yes I did!
But they did fine all on their own. They won the debate today and they move on to the semis on wednesday. Of course I will be there!

I did my taebo today. I lasted a lil longer than last week, so slowly but surely, the stamina is improving. This can translate to other things too ;)
But July, my bf should be able to eat off of my belly. It will be flat and firm and I could wear all those sexy tops I have parked up there, plus a bikini in Tobago :P

Sunday, March 14, 2004

I was watching the TV6 news tonight and I saw a boy's name as "richard vagine".


another weekend wasted.
i went to church today after a good few weeks and i tell you, I was bored stiff. I dont think it had anything to do with the church. It was all me.
*sigh* I didnt get the lift that I needed..ah well maybe next week.

Saturday, March 13, 2004

six months! we are doing well thus far, despite the ups and downs. I couldnt ask for a better person in my life. I am truly grateful for him. Today I was just reminiscing in my head how we met, the feelings, the fun.

I'm happy

Friday, March 12, 2004

I am so loving MAD TV on comedy central. They are doing a spoof on Britney's song, "I'm not a girl, not yet a woman."
They are saying "I'm not a child, it's ok to nail me." and the director of the 'video' is r. kelly.

Things are really just normal right now. Last night I went to Nuts. Why did I do that? I missed "The Apprentice". I paid 60$ because it was free drinks. I dont drink!!!! That orange juice sucked!!! The place was packed and I felt hands on my ass on several occasions. Basically I went to take in the music and just lime a lil bit yes. I saw there are a few dances I must ask pookie about. A guy 'danced' with me for a lil while and I put the word in quotation marks because it was like he was rubbing up his balls on me. I pushed him away after about three minutes. *yuck*

But as soon as I came home, I called my baby. I just needed to hear his voice after all that madness. Thing is I couldnt hear him properly because my ears were ringing.

Thursday, March 11, 2004

so in class we had a group project to do. So I decided to say let's stay back and meet to talk about it. Now mind you this is beofre Carnival eh. We came up with headings and we had to do a bit of research on each. up to now, none of them handed me one bit of info!!

I spent about 4 hours last night working on that project for my lecturer to tell me to put their names on that project!!! I was mad. Then she gave it back to me telling me to meet with them to discuss it and give it up on Tuesday. I tell them we lost marks for not handing it up.

let's see what will happen.

where shall I start?
Yesterday I took the day with the intention of going to the library to do some work on a project I have for class. Never reached. Instead I limed with my baby.
I was glad for yesterday. It was really nice. I needed to reconnect with him again.

Being in a relationship is nice, but it is a lot of work. understanding is a key attribute in making this thing work.

I have to break out of the bad habits i have and believe me I have a few.

Tuesday, March 09, 2004

yesterday I started back taebo. WELL!!!
I realised I missed the physical activity. I am vowing to get Jennifer Lopez's abs by the July August vacation.

well I wore a lovely green suit today, and I received a few compliments for it. So movietowne student today said" Miss you look really nice." So I said thank you thinking he was complimenting me on my outfit. He said, "no not today, I mean saturday."

went to see Return of the King. Twas nice.

Sunday, March 07, 2004

I'm a confused soul. The way I was brought up and the way I saw my mother act, I believed I was never to ask anyone for anything. I either get it myself or do without.
Last night my bf and I were having a discussion and he said, "if you dont tell me what you want, how can I make you happy?"
I cant tell him what I want.
I think part of it is i dont want to say what I want to hear that it cant be given to me.


Yesterday I was reading the papers and I saw that movietowne was showing ROTK again so I suggested that we go to see it. So we arrived at MT all ready to see rotk again for the girl to tell me it's sold out. Well I was sour. Add that to the fact that right before that heartbreaking news, I am walking, holding my bf's hand; and I'm dressed in a sexy top showing off a lil cleavage and ting, to hear somebody bawl out, "miss!"

that is ting to kinna sour yuh evening.

Saturday, March 06, 2004

So we are in the specialty cakes section of Kiss and the form TWO boys were walking around looking at the cakes. So this lady says "look at all these handsome boys."
So I just continued looking at the cakes. So then she looked at me and said " These boys are handsome. Wouldnt you say so miss?"
I was like "yuck!" But I just told her in my mind they just miserable. Looking for my approval of the handsomeness of form two boys? :s

And is the way she was saying it too she was actually thinking they were handsome.

Can someone spell "pedo....."

Friday we went to the Kiss factory. It was really interesting. I found out that Kiss actually buys back bread from the shops and parlours to ensure fresh bread.

I should have been a lil more friendly with the fella who was giving the tour. I might have gotten a loaf of bread instead of the kisscakes.

Thursday, March 04, 2004

In psychlogy class we learned about Carl Rogers who said that u do not truly know yourself unless you are in a significant relationship. It's true.
You know what u r tolerant of, what u r not cabale of handling, that kind of thing.
I am realising that more and more as my relationship progresses.

And as it progresses, I realise that I have one of the most tolerant men in my life.
And I love him so much.

today wasnt that bad at all. The girls in work decided that we are going for an all day spa treatment in April. Count me in!!! And it's only 300$.

Wednesday, March 03, 2004

why is it that someone just cant listen to you without giving flicking advice? If I wanted advice, I would say, "I need your advice on something. so and so, blah blah blah."
I just wanted to talk about something that I was thinking about and I just wanted a listening ear. Just someone to say uh huh, ok. Instead I am made to feel bad for my own flicking thoughts.
Last time fuh dat yes!

This morning I woke up with a headache, so that wasnt a good way to start the day. I had an early morning convo with my bf. I havent one of those in a while. Then I had a form one class and that was nice. Then i was free till the last two periods of the day! YEAH!

Tuesday, March 02, 2004

my day was good but the best thing was when I called my boyfriend tonight after class, he answered, "Hi baby!". His voice was filled with such enthusiasm and assurance that it was me on the phone. I felt so good..all the tiredness and the grime that I was feeling just left and I felt really really loved.

Today was good. I had a presentation to do for my Psych class and I must say it went well. I teamed up with a cool person and we did the work really well. I could see my lecturer was pleased. THEN...the others started to present..and they buss boy. I felt good because I only got a few hours sleep in order to get that project ready.
And the best thing is we went first so 1) we got it out of the way 2) now we sit back and relax.
hee hee

Monday, March 01, 2004

Aye boy!!!!
Food getting so damn expensive!!!!!
I used to spend 50$ a week on food. now it is 70$!!!!!
To you that might not seem like much but to me it is a big deal.
When I am ready to have my family, what will really be our grocery bill???

I would recommend to anyone to get a good night's sleep. Last week I got 8 hrs sleep and that day was a great day!
The students did their usual stuff but it did not annoy me. Everything just went well.
But the way life is, or rather MY life, I go to bed about 12 giving me about 6 hrs sleep which is not bad, but 8 is better.
I am trying to organise myself during the day so that at night I would be able to just go to bed.
Keep your fingers crossed for me!

Oh yeah..I DIDNT get 8 hrs and today was a kinna kinna day.