Somewhere I Belong...

Thursday, March 18, 2004

Today wasnt so bad. I came up with the idea that although my boys did not win the debate, that we should still celebrate their making it to the semis. Tomorrow is KFC!
I'm alos making some posters right now just to motivate them a lil bit. I gave out reports today and some of them did well and some of them...hmmm.

Now I have a nickname..seche..which means "dry". Now I got that name in sixth form because my friends all thought that I used to say things in the driest of tones and it was amusing. NOW, I doing it at school, but with students. I say things that in MY mind is normal, but to them is a makeout scene. I always feel bad.
The boys think I am trying to embarrass them, but really, I'm not aware of what I'm doing.


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