Somewhere I Belong...

Tuesday, December 02, 2003

He's feeling better..I'm so glad. :)

I love him.

Yuh wouldnt believe how hard it was to tell him that the first time. It always used to stick in mih throat, or when I thought it would come out he would look away and then the lump just went away.

But then one just came out! It was so weird hearing it for the first time with MY own ears. But it sounded so beautiful all the same.
There was a point in time when we said it too often, we said I love you to each other when we ended a convo.Yes we meant it, but it was a bit too often yuh know?

But after this weekend, i say it with such conviction and meaning. I know now that I dont just love the fact that he loves me. I love HIM. I LOVE him. No it's not an infatuation or I have stars in my eyes. I good.
hee hee


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