Somewhere I Belong...

Tuesday, October 31, 2006


Silly me. I gave parents my phone number, so in case they have to give me information or tell me anything important they can call me. Well who tell me to do that!!!

On two occasions I received phone calls at 6:03 am and 5:54am respectively. WHAT DE ASS??? I am not up at 6am. I have no reason to be up that early!!!
I sent a letter home forthwith saying that that is not acceptable.
But if he does a next time after that letter, is cuss down the line.

time to move on

I have been a member of an internet forum for a while now. When I joined it was fun, lighthearted, warm and inviting.'s not that way.
People used to engage in discussion without no setta bacchanal,'s not that way.
ah getting tired.

Saturday, October 14, 2006

This week

October is the month of the teacher and this week was teacher appreciation week.

My class didnt do anything for me really, which I expected. But some boys individually did things which was nice of them. A form one class was really excited and went all out for their teachers. I hope their enthusiasm lasts.

We also got some lovely cards and we were wined and dined by the administration of the school yesterday at Cascadia. I must say I appreciated it a lot.
Went to lime in TGIF yesterday and saw a couple of friends and limed for a while. My coworkers were having a staff meeting in TGIF, so I needed a break. On the way home we stopped at a bar in El Socorro and limed some more.
Yesterday really was a good day!