Somewhere I Belong...

Wednesday, August 31, 2005

The move was stressing me out so much. But today my bf and I were talking about it and he said 'we' and I just felt so relieved. Dont get me wrong, he is by my side every step of the way, but TODAY, 'we' just clicked.

I was always feeling like I had to do everything by myself, but now I know for sure I dont have to.

So we are planning things out and making some concrete plans.

Monday, August 29, 2005

I really not in the mood to put up any Spanish words. I am just so MAD!!!

Sunday, August 28, 2005

I think I felt my heart harden today.

I think today was the straw that broke the camel's back. Today should be the last day I will ever have a conversation like that again.

I went to see "Charlie and the Chocolate Factory' today. A friend of mine and I were both lamenting the fact that our significant others were not enthusiastic about the idea of going to see this movie with us, so we went on our accord today.
I was surprised to see so many people at the cinema today. I think the show being $20 had a lot to do with it.

I liked the visuals: the chocolate waterfall, the green grass, the modern interpretations of the Oopma Loompa lyrics and I completely enjoyed Johnny Depp's performance. But the highlight of the show for me was Freddie Highmore. He is such the sweetest boy. For a moment, I believed him when he said that when he feels bad, the only thing that makes him feel better was his family. HA!...yes I am jaded....

I didnt like the one midget copied over and was boring and lame.

I cant tell you go see it because today was the last day,
but look for it on cable sometime next year.

Big up to Miss M*****k from Premium Customer Services at TSTT. She helped me with my phone problem.
She was one of the most active parents in my class and I had developed a rapport with her, trying to help her with her son.
She is a life saver!!!

Saturday, August 27, 2005

head ache - dolor de cabeza
cold - la gripe
stationery - efectos de escritorio
to meet - encontrar
sore throat - dolor de garganta
downpour - el chapparrón
to congratulate - felicitar
to stifle - suprimir
to argue - discutir, disputar
co-worker - el colaborador
to be excited - estar muy emocionado
dial tone - tono de marcar

This morning I paid my bills. WOOPEE!!

I went into POS and i was pleasantly surprised to see that it was not too crowded. Next it will be, so if you can, stay away.
Nothing interesting happened to me today really.
I have not put up my Spanish words for the week, so I am going to work on them now.

Friday, August 26, 2005

Fleeing religious persecution in Lebanon, Tony's parents settled in Green Bay, Wisconson, where Tony was born.
Tony attended Yale University, and graduated from the University of Southern Maine in 1977.He began acting in small roles in films such as 'Longtime Companion,' 'Honeymoon In vegas,' and 'Searching For Bobby Fischer,' and most memorably in the Bill Murray vehicle 'Quick Change.' This led to a recurring role on the sitcom 'Wings.'He continued acting in films, including 'Men In Black,' 'Gattaca,' and 'Galaxy Quest.'
He directed and starred in the restaurant film 'Big Night.'

He rose to prominence as the fussy, obsessive titular character in the television series 'Monk.'In 1992, Tony married actress Brooke Adams. They have two daughters, Josie and Sophie.

I dedicate this post to one of my favourite actors ever and to one of my favourite shows ever: Monk. Tony Shalhoub has totally embodied the character of Adrian Monk. I will miss the show since new episodes will start in January.
Goodbye Adrian Monk! See you next year!


Finally I am at home... not that I dont enjoy spending time with my sweetie pie, but I like my space too.

Again I didnt go to the Ministry...but my throat was hurting me. My sweetie pie made a nice cup of coffee for me to start off the day, then he went for lunch for us too. Unfortunately I couldnt eat the whole box of food :s

I went to sleep and got up in time to go lime with a couple TSers. It was a very cool lime. My kinda thing. I think they laugh louder than me. I like that!

So now I am home and I am watching the season finale of Monk and going to chow down on some Strawberry Swirl Cheesecake.

I didnt do anything I set out to do yesterday, neither today. The vacation is literally over.
I have money waiting for me and I eh pick it up yet.

Last night my bf and I took out Warren who is embarking on his first year of UWI. We gave him words of advice and wished him well. We limed real late though...till mins to one. LOL

Thursday, August 25, 2005

My blog wont be updated as regularly as it has been due to the fact that I have no dial tone.
Yes I am still on dial up, no need for DSL as yet.

I am just waiting until TSTT fixes the problem. I have no contacts in TSTT so I guess I would have to wait 4 weeks like a friend of mine did to have her phone fixed. She had a similar problem too. Phone line just went dead. And she is in the Barataria area as well. hmmmm

I'll try my best to update from wherever I can. Say some prayers for me. I need it since is TSTT I dealing with.

Just came back from a really cool lime at TGIF. But seeing my co workers reminded me that school is opening soon.


Tuesday, August 23, 2005

I spent a lil quality time with one of my friends today which was cool. My boyfriend and I went then went on an errand. I must say I was disappointed and I was ready to give up. He is a little more optimistic than I am.

A word of advice to you guys who still live at home : Dont move out until you getting married. If you not getting married, still live at home yes. Out there eh easy at all.

I find that sometimes, I have low points. Times when I focus on all the crap on my life. I feel annoyed sometimes, angry most times, because I trace some shit back to my parents. I place a lot of blame for some of the crap in my life.

Is it wrong to do that? Maybe. But it makes me feel a helluva lot better.

Monday, August 22, 2005

hopeful - lleno de esperanza
landlord - casero
to blab - chismear

I made some phone calls and got some positive answers. I hope they all work out.

One more week.... :(

Sunday, August 21, 2005

coño and hijoputa are two cuss words in Spanish. I am lil annoyed with Patrick and Hazel Manning right now so that is why I put them.

budget - el presupuesto
spending spree - derroche de dinero
I am tired of all that - estoy harto de todo eso

For the first time in a long time I bought the Sunday Express and the Sunday Guardian. Of course I read my bf's article. hee hee

But in the Guardian, I read an article on the IMF report and the reckless manner in which the Government is spending money and the possible repurcussions. And it seems as if Patrick eh taking it on. Because he said that if more money needs to be spent, he will spend it. He already stated that the Tarouba stadium is going to be built even though there is huge public outcry about it. The budget might surpass $31 billion dollars.

Imagine Manning's wife said that she is not blame for not fulfilling the promises made in the budget. Well yes! I real tired of the MCs yuh know.

Lemme see if I could put some away for a rainy day.

Here's the link just in case you have not read it yourself.

Saturday, August 20, 2005

I watch Girlfriends all the time. I like the idea of having girlfriends. But there is one that just annoys me.

Toni..if that's how you spell it. She's rude and lazy and doesnt give as much as the others in terms of support. I really dont like her. I dont think I could take her in my group nah. I would have voted her off.

So on the menu today is baked fish, garlic herb potatoes and stir fried vegetables.
I am really hungry though.

Dont cook when one is hungry.

to cash a cheque - cobrar
mad as a hatter - más loco que una cabra
to make love - hacer el amor

Yesterday I went into POS hoping to cash my tax refund cheque only to be told that the Treasury doesnt cash them anymore. I was miffed because I really needed some cash.
Anyway, I went to join the National Library. Quick process I must say. When I saw the technology used to make the cards, I said to myself, I really dont have a problem with the Govt using my tax dollars for this.

But then I saw the picture...the girl could have told me I looked sleepy in the picture. No..she studying to flirt with the police officer. HUMPH!

I went by my boyfriend to spend some time since the last time we limed was on Sunday. I must say.....well yes! heh heh heh

I went to buy some breakfast at the nescafe place opposite City Gate. I got my bake and went to collect my juice. All of a sudden, I feel something hot on my left shoulder. When I really check out the scenes, a guy was pouring hot coffee on me. Now the thing is, it wasnt an accident. He wasnt looking at me, but he was deliberately pouring the coffee on me. I cuss him, but he eh blink an eye yet. I realise he mad one time. The guy next to him said he will pull him up. Dunno how much good that would do yes. I just think that it was a good thing it was coffee he decided to pour and not a knife to my face or my stomach.

Be careful who you stand next to.

what a day/night/ morning.


Thursday, August 18, 2005

compliment- el cumplido
to be sleepy - teñer sueño
laugh (loud) - la carcajada, la risotada

Today was a nice day.

I started off the morning with a compliment someone gave me.

girl... everyting iz everyting. yuh cool... yuh intelligent.. yuh
progressive... yuh real real supportive an a loyal friend. ah mean... yuh ent
have nuttn to worry about yuh. ah think highly of yuh ahready yuh know. it real hard
fuh yuh to fall from dat.

It really stunned me because I had no idea the person thought of me like that. I felt really good about myself. :)

Then I went to a really decent lime in TGIF. I arrived late through no fault of my own. When yuh relying on drop I ordered my usual drink, and a plate of chicken alfredo. Normally I order chicken fingers, but this time I decided to splurge. It was cut short due to the fact that people had to return to work and so forth, but it was a great lunch lime.

When I got home I was so sleepy eh. I think I was out for three hours. I tried to get up a few times but just couldnt. However my brother clanking around in the kitchen did the trick.

Wednesday, August 17, 2005

I just watched an interesting documentary called, "The A word". A meaning ABORTION.

There were some interesting issues raised: Sex education in schools, the worth of Abstinence Only programmes, how unsupportive society is when it comes to young pregnant single women.

Imagine a woman said that pregnant teenagers should be put in special schools so as not show other children that it is OK to be in school and pregnant. Hear nah, those were two ignorant women yes!

Another scenario was presented where a woman was interviewed at Providence and SJC and both institutions thought her to be perfect for the job...until they found out she was a single mother.

Gayelle is showing it again tomorrow morning at 9am and Saturday at 900pm.

brain - el cerebro
sponge - la esponja
birth control - control de natalidad

I was supposed to go to the mall today, but that didnt work out. I had a serious headache.

SO I guess I'll have to go tomorrow.

My boyfriend and I had one of the LONGEST conversations since we've been in this moody slump. It was so cool. It wasnt anything sappy eh...just talking about movies and our views on certain things. I totally enjoyed it.

We're both feeling a lot better after the conversation too.
I love the way his mind works. It's like a sponge storing up everything he has read and seen. Maybe that's why he cant remember when I tell him where and when I liming. hee hee.

So I just finish cleaning the living room. I got rid of some dust and some clutter.
It feels so much lighter.

The next place to tackle is the kitchen. I need to get rid of that junk on top of the cupboard. There are some bottles of wine there. I fraid to put that out the road yes.

I think today was the lowest I sunk in terms of the laziness. I need to start getting active because in a week I am back out to work. Cleaning is a great form of exercise. Just put on some hyper music and yuh good to go.

My choice tonight was Linkin Park.

Tuesday, August 16, 2005

couple - la pareja
to be moody - ser caprichoso
to be in love - estar enamorado

I dont know what's going on with us.

Ever since Sunday,we've been.... moody.

I guess couples go through things like that......

Monday, August 15, 2005

I forgot to put my Spanish words for Saturday, Sunday and Monday.
SO here they are:

fries - papas fritas
coleslaw- ensalada de col
to arrive late - llegar tarde
ice cream - helado
to care for someone- tener afecto a, sentir cariño por
to give someone a lift - llevar a uno gratis en su coche
to be hungry - tener hambre
beggar - mendigo
comedy - la comedia

1. How to fall in love without losing yourself. I think I have finally figured out that

2. How you feel about having kids. I want one child.

3. How to quit a job, break up with a man and confront a friend without ruining the friendship.
I dont know how to confront a friend properly as yet, because I am very blunt and it will come out wrong. But I need to do it soon because I am going CRAZY!!

4. When to try harder and when to walk away. Still learning this

5. How to kiss in a way that communicates perfectly what you would and wouldn't like to happen next. The only person I kissing is my boyfriend, so to me, this doesnt count.

6. The names of: the secretary of state, your great-grandmother and the best tailor in town. I know the name of my own seamstress. She's expensive but great.

7. How to live alone, even if you don't like to. I have lived alone already and I LOVED it!!

8. How to take control of your own birthday. I always do some sort of introspection on my birthday

9. That you can't change the length of your calves, the width of your hips or the nature of your parents. The nature of my parents....this is an issue that I have to deal with. I keep saying Why didnt they do this or why didnt they do that....but I have to make my own life now.

10. That your childhood may not have been perfect, but it's over. *sigh*

11. What you would and wouldn't do for money or love. I am not against hard work nah...

12. That nobody gets away with smoking, drinking, doing drugs or not flossing for very long. HA! I dont floss.

13. Who you can trust, who you can't and why you shouldn't take it personally. Beginning to learn this the hard way.

14. Not to apologize for something that isn't your fault. True

15. Why they say life begins at 30. Heh....

1. One old boyfriend you can imagine going back to and one who reminds you of how far you've come. I have the one could compare to the boyfriend I have now. He's the best!

2. A decent piece of furniture not previously owned by anyone else in your family. My computer desk????

3. Something perfect to wear if the employer or man of your dreams wants to see you in an hour. Yes I have that

4. A purse, a suitcase and an umbrella you're not ashamed to be seen carrying. I have to get my own suitcase yes.

5. A youth you're content to move beyond. My youth wasnt that bad.

6. A past juicy enough that you're looking to forward to retelling it in your old age. HA! Not really nah. I have given amusement to my friends with some of my stories, but nothing 'juicy'.

7. The realization that you are actually going to have an old age—and some money set aside to help fund it. Planning for that all now....

8. An e-mail address, a voice mailbox and a bank account—all of which nobody has access to but you. I have all three

9. A résume that is not even the slightest bit padded. I have that too

10. One friend who always makes you laugh and one who lets you cry. Yeah I have that all wrapped up in one. :)

11. A set of screwdrivers, a cordless drill and a black lace bra. I really dont need the tools. I'll pay someone to fix my stuff

12. Something ridiculously expensive that you bought for yourself, just because you deserve it. I just cant do it!! I cant spend an obscene amount of money when I am saving for a house.

13. The belief that you deserve it. I treat myself to other things that arent so expensive.

14. A skin-care regimen, an exercise routine and a plan for dealing with those few other facets of life that don't get better after 30. I am going to start tae bo seriously this term.

15. A solid start on a satisfying career, a satisfying relationship and all those other facets of life that do get better. I am on track with these things.

Why I am up so early I have no idea. STEUPS
Valuable sleeping time is being wasted.


Sunday, August 14, 2005

What can I say?
Today was just one of those days yes.


The lime came off...not the way I was expecting, but it was a cool scene.
I arrived at TGIF only to find out that there was no water. DAMN YOU TGIF!

So we relocated to Tony Roma's. First of all, Tony Roma's looked like you cant talk too hard there or else people look at yuh funny. Then it was cold. Then the prices.

But it was a cool few hours and I enjoyed the lime.

Saturday, August 13, 2005

So one girl cant come because of her boyfriend.
That's what the night is about...a night where we forget about those men.

hee hee

Ah well.......what can you do?

Friday, August 12, 2005

When I'm feeling blue
All I have to do
Is take a look at you
Then I'm not so blue
When you're close to me
I can feel your heart beat
I can hear you breathing
In my ear
Wouldn't you agree?
Baby, you and me got a
groovy kind of love
Any time you want to
You can turn me on to
Anything you want to
Any time at all
When I kiss your lips
Ooh, I start to shiver
Can't control the quivering inside
Wouldn't you agree?
Baby, you and me got a groovy kind of love
When I'm feeling blue
All I have to do
Is take a look at you
Then I'm not so blue
When I'm in your arms
Nothing seems to matter
My whole world can shatter
I don't care
Wouldn't you agree?
Baby, you and me got a groovy kind of love
We got a groovy kind of love
We got a groovy kind of love
Ooh, ooh
We got a groovy kind of love

There is a show I watch at 12pm everyday. It's called Starting Over with Iyanla Vanzant.
She helps women deal with the issues in their lives.

I was thinking I need to go to the Starting Over house. I have some issues I need to deal with.
Who doesnt eh? But I just need to deal with some family issues.

Maybe I am overexaggerating things. Maybe when I tell my mother the news, she woul d be so cool about it. And I would have nothing to worry about.

suspect- sospechoso
resignation - la dimisión, la renuncia
pharmacist- el farmacéutico

Thursday, August 11, 2005

My machine is leaking and making weird noises. It also is not squeezing out the water.
I still have to defrost my fridge. Who does that anymore?
Only one burner is working on on the stove.

Thing is, if I buy a new stove, fridge, and washing machine, where will I put the old ones?

I went to lime with some of my co workers today.

When I tell you we real laugh yes. I needed that laugh yes.

I'm starting a new feature on my blog:
Each day I am going to put up three Spanish words/ phrases a day. These words will be based on events that are reported in the news.Just doing my part to spread the love of Spanish. LOL

bomb- la bomba
bomb scare- amenaza de bomba
bomb-site - lugar donde ha estallado una bomba
(long eh?)

reward-el hallazgo

fraud - el fraude, la estafa

shooting- el asesinato

Yesterday I took a small lime with some friends of mine.

After months of wishing that she could come to Trinidad, Cary finally is here. And we limed yesterday.It was very nice.

I enjoyed seeing Cary again and I hope she has a safe flight back home and a safe flight to school.

Tuesday, August 09, 2005

Today was such a sweet day.

My bf showed up by me with breakfast. Bagels with fried eggs and cheese from Subway.

We went into POS to the Ministry of Education. Why I stayed in the car with that hot sun I dont know. Then we went by Tina's for some peanut punch. I was parched so I bought a lime juice instead. I regret buying the small cup, because when we passed back, they were done. STEUPS
12pm, when people will be looking for ting to drink, and you done. She woulda get at least $6 more to go in her pocket. How lame.

The rain was good though...after that heat.

I tried sleeping but that didnt work out. I know I will bep out early tonight.

Monday, August 08, 2005

I love attending lectures. Great way to broaden your mind.
The lecture this evening was about Masculinity.

The guy made some salient points.
One great point he made was that women have power eh, but not the kind of power that men have access to. He says that it shouldnt be about men thinking that because of the advances women are making in society, that they should be concerned about women taking that power, but they should be thinking about SHARING the power.

From the reaction of some men in the audience, that doesnt look as if it will happen any time soon.

So I am back.

I enjoyed the trip a lot, but I am really glad I am back home.

My boyfriend came to meet me at the airport and that was FANTASTIC.

We had a lil rough patch yesterday, but it has all been sorted out.

Found out some bad news about a friend of mine. I'm not supposed to know, but I wish she had told me.

Liming this weekend. Hope it's ok.


I'm so proud of him. He put in a lot of work!!
Congrats baby!!!!!!!!!!

Saturday, August 06, 2005

I am almost home. I miss being in my space, doing my things. But the trip was worth it, I must say.

But my bed is calling......... and my sweetie pie.............

Wednesday, August 03, 2005

The highlight of my day was my baby calling me.
At 715 pm exact, the phone rang and it was for me.
It was so good hearing his voice.

Since we met in 2003, we have been talking to each other on the phone every day.
It´s so weird to go to bed without hearing his voice.

But today I did.


The trip today was nice as well, We saw a church, a castle, a beautiful view of a cuity called Asuncion. All great! We were supposed to go bowling, but it was too expensive, so the boys played pool instead.

I rushed home so as not to miss his call.
hee hee

Tuesday, August 02, 2005

Time is flying so fast.

I am enjoying my stay here. The people are friendly and very warm, although the lady says the same thing to me 4 and 5 times. But this is the first time they are hosting anyone, so she just wants to make things perfect. She even bought new stuff just for our use.

I honestly didnt know how filling baked chicken and salad is until Monday night. I must try that when I am home.

Porlamar is good shopping. But it is like Chaguanas, cheap stuff but the quality is bad. I didnt want to even venture to buy a pair of jeans there. I am a Just USA girl.

Tomorrow looks like bowling...without students.

hee hee