Somewhere I Belong...

Thursday, September 02, 2004

Today had to be one of my best days.

It started off shitty with the traffic to school. Govt is constructing a pavement on the road leading to my school. They had the whole TWO months to do work, but of course they wait until school opened to finish the job. Some claptrap about no materials.

I had my form four class today. That class went so well.
Then I had form threes. I had the clowns. They were a disaster.
Then I had form twos. Gosh I was so impressed. They did better than my form fours!!!

The other classes were ok as well. All in all my day was a good one.

But the highlight was this afternoon. The secretary called to tell me there is a present in the office for me from one of my students who left. I am thinking it's a form five.
When I finally saw it, it was from a form one student who transferred to another school. The card said that I am a teacher that he will always remember. He gave me a bottle of Perry Ellis 360 degrees. It smells so divine.

It made me feel really good that I was just teaching a class and I made such an impact on a student.

I wish him all the best!


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