Somewhere I Belong...

Wednesday, September 01, 2004

Today was my first day back at school. Feels like I never left.

I had fun with my first form class playing people's bingo. I think as a teacher you have to keep up with some of the things that your students are into. Good thing I have a boyfriend is a game peyong, so I could talk about games knowledgeably. I watch TV a lot as well as movies so of course Spiderman and Harry Potter were topics of discussion. Most of them agreed that Catwoman was mess. Good going!

I feel so despondent when I see the form fives. They just so blah.... no zest, no personality, but I guess that is better than having them wild all over the place.

I feel tired. But I have lots to plan for. In teaching you cant plan by days; you have to plan by weeks.

Sooo... I have lots of planning ahead of me.


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