Somewhere I Belong...

Thursday, April 29, 2004

So my psychology and counselling class has finished. Tonight was the last class. I really enjoyed it this semester..well psych at least.

When I first started, I hate psychology because I found that Ms C used to treat us like we were in sec school. I used to be under a lot of pressure because I hardly did the home work.
Counselling was the good class because we could talk about our problems plus it was very simple. Ms W had a lot of good stories.
This semester however, it's just the opposite. We love psych, we dislike counselling. The last straw was when the lecturer told us that she instructed us to make copies of our project for everyone. HUH??? No you didnt!! When we told her so, she vehemently said she did! We were stunned yes. We kinda lost some respect for after that as well as her hurrying a group's presentation because she had a date.
Go figure.

My group members who cost me an A...I realise i can switch off so easily eh.....I used to walk out to the main road with them, now, I stay back and talk to the psych lecturer. Let them go ahead. I feel like a hypocrite if I smile at them, when everytime I see the fella who messed up our group project, I just feel to pummel him. So to avoid that feeling, I just dont talk to them. One might say that I hold a grudge..maybe I am....but I feel ppl have a responsibilty in a group project to do their absolute best to gain the maximum amt of marks. They didnt do that.

whatever..the course finishing next week.

my poor I frustrate him so!

sometimes I would call him and I would be tired but I just want to hear him. Sometimes I ramble on, not making any sense, or I am repetitive..and he just listens and answers as best as he could. He is tres confused eh...but he listens to me.

too sweet....

I was away long. My pc was giving some trouble.

what has happened since Monday?

Spanish Orals continued at school and as expected only a few did well.

At the end of the day, we had a staff meeting. I felt really upset after it. The principal was just talking about commitment to the institution, but it's just so much. Being a form teacher is a lot of work in itself, add to that being a subject teacher from forms one to five, plus doing a class part time. It's tough.

Wednesday was tough too, missing classes for the day, but it was welcomed eh..heh heh heh...

Today wasnt that bad at all..very easy going too.
So work this week wasnt so bad.

Monday, April 26, 2004

I love surprise visits!


...and quickies...

Today had to be one of the most hectic days of the term.
Spanihs orals started today and we have two examiners. One of them was my friend from since sec school and the other is a mature man.
The students didnt do too well and they all came out saying it was easy.
Poor tings!

Sunday, April 25, 2004

So let me talk about last night

My bf and I went to a dinner and dance last night. I thought it was just what we needed to complement Friday night.

So we arrived late-ish and this good looking fella led us to our table. We waited to be served our meal. First thing they put down was a bowl of soup. I was like eh..far less for my bf. But I ate it and it was nice..but not filling. So we got some lil snacks..some pastry filled with spinach, beef kabobs..I thought they would be average sized. These things were miniature. I think somewhere on the menu they used the word diminuitive.

well the best was the Egytian Julienne Salad..yeah I memorized the name of that dish. I mean...grated carrot on a bed of lettuce?? Come nah man!!!!I didnt eat that. When that was taken away,my bf said so innocently, "the good stuff coming" Thinking we getting some decent size pieces of salmon, chicken and lamb...ahhmm no..very very small.

I think that at the end of a meal that i paid for, I should be stuffed to the point where I cant walk properly. I was full, not stuffed. needless to say, he wasnt nowhere near full. He had to buy food to add to what he ate. LOL

Today was a good day. I went to church and it was to see that people actually recognised that i wasnt there. The sexton of the church made me feel nice by telling that he would bend the rules for me because I'm special. hee hee

Clive abdullah looks the same way since I was small the wife keeping him young. He is so cool.

My friend Colin and I went to breakfast at Vie de France. It was nice just sitting and talking. it was expensive, but I didnt mind...THIS time.

Saturday, April 24, 2004

To have a man kiss your entire body is a heavenly thing.
To have him touch you softly and look at you so tenderly is wonderful. He gets pleasure out of pleasing you and that is always a good thing.
To hear " I love you so much" in your ear when you're making love is just like straight out of a romance novel.

I admit I made some mistakes in the past because I thought I would never find someone who would spend time pleasing me. I just settled because at least some interest was shown.

*slaps forehead*

Now all this is for real.

this week was a hard week. we had a falling out. And it went on for a lil longer than I liked.
You saw what I typed? I LIKED

I like to resolve things quickly, not have it drag on too long, but he likes to wait until we have calmed down enough for us to speak with level heads.


Tonight had to be one of the best nights of my life. It was the first time we saw each other after everything this week and I was just so glad to see him. We said all our apologies and we did 'stuff'.
we were supposed to go see Hell Boy....let's just say Globe never saw us :P Everything was just heightened..EVERYTHING.

Ah love yuh too bad, baby. ;)

Thursday, April 22, 2004

I just want to tell my baby I love him with all my heart. Life was good before I met him, but it just got enhanced with him in my life. I have a best friend now, I have a partner, a companion. We have disgreed on a lot of things, but in the end I have always learnt something.
We have so many little 'things' that colour our relationship: the early morning calls, peanut punch (hee hee), our fav restaurant..I would never give that up for anything.

thanks for being there for me, baby.

So the semester is almost over and I am so glad. In two weeks, I would not have any class to go to. I will be FREE!

This was a tough!
It's almost over..and I am glad.

The more I think about Cuba, the more excited I get. I hope to get to see Fidel in person yes. I will be in my glee!!!

Tuesday, April 20, 2004

This is my day:
I had a good class with my form fives..they were doing work!
Form twos....well...i dunno nah..
Form ones..OMG..KICKS!! They asked me to recount the bracing of one of their classmates.

I have decided that I am going to Cuba. I said to myself I am going to put myself further in debt to grasp at this opportunity.

I went to my class. Asked my group for info..of course they had none. I told them I am not presenting. THEY will do it.

Class finished at 8 tonite. Came home to find out my food was eaten out. My brother made me look bad to my mother by asking her for money for food and made her think that I wasnt buying any groceries. She sent money forthwith, PLUS she bought groceries. You know, my brother has a whole bottle of Tampico in the cupboard, AND HE STILL DRINKING OUTTA MY FUCKING JUICE. The man have chicken in the freezer and HE STILL EATING OUTTA MY FUCKING CHICKEN! yuh find dat fair!!!!

I come home hungry to see my food done and my juice drink out. I had to eat FUCKING CEREAL YES!!!!
Man I so fucking nad know what it is to come home thinking you have some food to eat to see it DONE!!!

This is the third time I am starting this over...I just dont know what to write. I feel so many emotions right now.
I feel anger, I feel pain, I feel indifferent.
That wasnt me just now. I was trying to be neutral. Trying not to cry, because to you, crying is a bad thing.

Monday, April 19, 2004

Today I was traumatised.
One of my co workers got fired. just so.
Just last week, we celebrated her birthday at Cher mere. On saturday she was told her services were no longer needed.
This girl uprooted her life from Central to come up east. Got a new mortgage, a new car, put her child in private school. What's going to happen now?
I mean I dont know what exactly went on eh..who is to say she didnt deserve to get fired...but it's just day she was here, next day she wasnt.
I'll miss her yes. she was fun.

Sunday, April 18, 2004

This morning I got up all ready to go to church. I arrived there only to see the church closed! ON A SUNDAY??? STEUPS.

it was too late to go to the other church, so I went to the grocery and then went home. I watched the end of 2 Fast 2 Furious and then I cleaned, washed, cooked.
I put on my Linkin Park and just did my thing. It was so nice just preparing my own meal, cleaning my kitchen, knowing that my mother is far away and she cant tell me a word!

Being on your own is an experience that everyone should have by a certain age. Having Mom wash clothes and cook and ting is cool yes, but paying MY OWN bills, organising my life, just generally having control is a good feeling.

And I feel confident that when I am ready to share a home with someone, I would be able to handle my shit. I just hope he lets me blast my Linkin park when I cleaning. ;)

The only thing i dont do is buy gas. I cant lift that...

Friday, April 16, 2004

Today is my last day of vacation. But it was great. My bf and i spent some quality time together. And that is stuff I really look back on and smile. we had breakfast in a park in woodbrook. nice and simple.
We laughed, we talked, we .......... (yuh know), it was just fantastic.
he and I are simple people. we dont deal up in a setta flam bizness.

Thursday, April 15, 2004

Today I went to fix up for my learner's permit (Cary I hope yuh seeing dat eh!) Surprisingly enough, I didnt have wait too long..about an hour.Last time I had to wait about two hours.
I went by my bf and ended up talking to his mom first for about an hour before I spoke to him. I always do that. :s

Could somebody advise me how to get my bf's circadian cycle back on track? where he actually sleeps at night???? He slept for about two hours while I was there. Needless to say I was a lil bored. But I watched him sleep. He was so cute. so adorable. oh gosh...

Wednesday, April 14, 2004

Today I went for my spa day
hear nah!!!
I feel nice!!!!
I had my pedicure first. It was lovely then, the manicure..that was ok.
then I had the facial.
I love the facial mask and the steam. I was always kinna kinna about massages, but the lady gave me a mini massage today!
I feel my bf hadda go on a massage course and i going to invest in some massage oils. IT FELT GOOD!!

I going back at the end of the mnth yes!

Tuesday, April 13, 2004

Today is 7 mnths! I am grateful for evey month we have together. I learnt in my psychology class that you never know what you are fully capable of unless u r in a relationship. It does not necessarily have to be a romantic relationship, but being in one does help.

I learnt how possessive I was..was because I'm not like that anymore. I love my baby with everything I have, but he's not mine...yuh know...
I learnt how to pick my battles and not make a big deal about everything.
I learnt that when everyone is against me, there is one person (on earth. I need to clarify that difference with God) who is there for me.
There are many other things that I have learnt but I wont go into too much detail.

Happy anniversary baby!

Today I got out hee hee
I was two minds about going to class today but it's a good thing i went. My no good group had our role play to do, and of course two of us were there, two of us were. I told the lecturer give us zero, but she was nice enough to let us do something on Thursday. Well...a bad mark better than none yes. So keep your fingers crossed.....

My vacation is almost over :(
I'm going for my spa day tomorrow. I am very excited. I'm going to have my first facial.
hee hee.

I really dont have much to write because I'm home all the time.

Congrats to Brian Lara on his records.
He did well.

Sunday, April 11, 2004

Zigwa was real good and I hope to make it again. The lime was real nice.
BUT..old shit from the past crop up to haunt you yes.

Consider me a friend??
bitch please!

Friday, April 09, 2004

this situation has me bothered. who really gets along with their siblings really well?
it's not as if I ill treat my brother..I'm just not flowing with the motherly love that he needs.
I just really dont like the responsibility.

I was always the black sheep of the family.

I really want to thank my boyfriend for listening to me cry last night. He was patient, he let me rant and rave and talk, which helped me feel better.
I still feel stressed about it, but knowing he is in my corner helps so much. When I was sick, he was the one who checked up on me regularly and made sure I was ok.

Thank you baby!

well boy did I talk to soon about not having any action.
Last night I am watching my fav reality "The apprentice" and my sis calls to tell me she has to talk to me.
Apparently my brother who I live with and is younger than me asked my mother for grocery money. Now, you need money to buy groceries, not so? well what is that in my cupboard, not food?

I was sick for a whole week! My brother didnt ask me if I needed anything, and he lives with me eh. My sister didnt ask me if I needed anything. My mother called to ask me to do something for her, and when I didnt do it BECAUSE I WAS SICK, she calls me to boff me.

My brother is 19 years old. Yuh would think that if he doesnt like what I cook, maybe he might cook what he wants. No, he goes and buys biscuits and cupcakes.

I dont know what to do any more to make my mother understand my point of view. I work all day, plus I go to classes. I have to come home and correct papers as well as plan my lessons for the next few days, plus I have to do things like pay bills, go in the grocery, wash clothes, clean up.
what does my brother have to do? Go to classes, not even full day school eh, clean the bathroom, throw out the garbage.

See how unfair it is?

Thursday, April 08, 2004

well I am really enjoying my vacation. I dont really have much to write because i'm home.
No action there...well action I can write about.
heh heh heh

Wednesday, April 07, 2004

I would admit when I started out, I wasnt too good at the girlfriend thing nah..I could tell you guys some stories. But because my bf was so patient and he stuck it out with me, things are much better now.

anybody knows any songs that would describe a situation like that?

Tuesday, April 06, 2004

yeah..I got back my voice!!!
Yesterday it was kinda bad, it was hard for me to talk.
but I can yap now.
hee hee

My vacation has started. yeah! for the next few days I am going to relax and enjoy this quiet time.

Thanks for all the concern baby!

Monday, April 05, 2004

see meh and come live with meh are two completely different things yes. I remember when I met this couple a few years ago, they were happy and smiling and had just moved in with each.
Now they dont talk except for business. She doesnt even see her daughter during the week because she reaches home late. And the guy has had enough. He looking to move out.

This is just based on 2nd hand info, but it's just so sad the way things have developed.

I watching a baby story in TLC. The woman bawling "get it out!" yes!!


I had to go to work today. That sucked, but I got all my work done. I correct the mock exam papers.
those boys did a lot of shit!

I tell you..I am going to enjoy the next two weeks of getting up and not doing one thing. Just watch TV right through!!!

Sunday, April 04, 2004

What Flavour Are You? Cor blimey, I taste like Tea.Cor blimey, I taste like Tea.

I am a subtle flavour, quiet and polite, gentle, almost ambient. My presence in crowds will often go unnoticed. Best not to spill me on your clothes though, I can leave a nasty stain. What Flavour Are You?

you are the kind of person who will let someone trample all over you because yuh fraid to tell them stop



Peace. You Truly Desire Peace. Just relaxing
somewhere calm with a light breeze against your
cheecks is our ideal of pefect. You don't like
to start fights, but instead, end them without
using violence.


What Do You Truly Desire? *PICS*
brought to you by Quizilla

So I feel a lot better. But I have to correct mock exam papers, which i think would make me sick.

You would think that with me not living with my mother that all I would have to do is talk to her when she calls, send her an email and that would be it.
She knew I was sick but yet still she wants me to do some thing for her with urgency, but lady..I'm sick. Wouldnt it have been better to ask someone who is..oh..I dunno...WELL????

steups..parents..still getting to you...even though you are not under their roof.

Friday, April 02, 2004

this sore throat wont go away!!

LOVE is when your boyfriend looks at you, your hair not combed for three days, and he says that you're beautiful.


I didnt go to work because I was still sick and he came by and brought stuff for me to feel better!

Thursday, April 01, 2004

I was talking to my ex boyfriend on msn earlier. Boy does he have problems!
The best thing he ever did was cancel on our trip to barbados otherwise I would have caught up in his shit, as well as I would never have met my bf.
He and his son's mother are having troubles. calling in police all kinna ting yes.

my boyfriend is one of the simplest people you could ever hope to meet. just simple and normal. Likes his computer games, anime..yuh know that kinda thing. Not running dong no setta lime and alcohol.

What was I thinking ever wanting to get back with that guy???

yesterday I came home half day. I was roasting in school. I had a fever, my throat was hurting and my back and legs were aching.
I slept and slept and slept.
Today is a lot better.