Somewhere I Belong...

Tuesday, April 20, 2004

This is my day:
I had a good class with my form fives..they were doing work!
Form twos....well...i dunno nah..
Form ones..OMG..KICKS!! They asked me to recount the bracing of one of their classmates.

I have decided that I am going to Cuba. I said to myself I am going to put myself further in debt to grasp at this opportunity.

I went to my class. Asked my group for info..of course they had none. I told them I am not presenting. THEY will do it.

Class finished at 8 tonite. Came home to find out my food was eaten out. My brother made me look bad to my mother by asking her for money for food and made her think that I wasnt buying any groceries. She sent money forthwith, PLUS she bought groceries. You know, my brother has a whole bottle of Tampico in the cupboard, AND HE STILL DRINKING OUTTA MY FUCKING JUICE. The man have chicken in the freezer and HE STILL EATING OUTTA MY FUCKING CHICKEN! yuh find dat fair!!!!

I come home hungry to see my food done and my juice drink out. I had to eat FUCKING CEREAL YES!!!!
Man I so fucking nad know what it is to come home thinking you have some food to eat to see it DONE!!!


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