Somewhere I Belong...

Saturday, February 07, 2004

Dear Destiny:

You went to Bishop Anstey, so I looking out for you. Please dont think I am fas or out of place.
I read your blog last night and I can completely relate to your hesistation. I hesistated myself. I came up with a lot of "good" reasons (at least to me) why a relationship would never work. The age difference was one. Heh..doesnt even factor into to anything.

I know about the chile mother thing. She was the reason why I broke up with my ex in the first place. He never asserted to her that I was in his life and she just got to him. She was always singing the song that she wanted him back. Nothing used to piss me off more. But I guess to appease her he just cut me loose.
Heh that was the best thing he ever did yes.

So girl, just follow your heart. Take your time and make your decision wisely. Who knows?
Just now I might be reading your blog and I might be seeing all kinda lovey dovey ting on it. hee hee


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