Somewhere I Belong...

Saturday, February 07, 2004

To Destiny:
Once you went Bishop Anstey, you cool in my book (give or take a few people)

While I was reading your blog last night, I was totally identifying with your hesitation. I hesitated myself. I came up with a lot of reasons why a relationship would NEVER work. And I came up with a few "good" least to me. But each obstacle could have easily been surmounted.

Girl, Just follow your heart. If you think him having a child is a reason not to get together, then that is your decision. But I will tell you from experience that is hard.
Make sure that he lets this chile mother know that u r in his life now and she has to accept that.
That was something that my ex never did. He wanted me to assert my position..steups..coward.

Dont rush into anything. Take your time. Who knows?
I might be reading your blog just now and I might be seeing all kinda lovey dovey ting too. I will gladly welcome you to the club!


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