Somewhere I Belong...

Saturday, October 08, 2005

One thing I learned tonight from the lime: Keep things professional on the work place. Dont let any of your private business reach there nah. You will get eaten alive!

Today was a good day. Nice and light.
I had so much fun with my form ones. They were acting like form ones of old. But lemme give them an assignment nah. hmmph.

I am beginning to like the VP. I am being wary of him because i had also liked the P at one point in time.
The VP came into the staffroom one day whistling, and I said that in this place we dont whistle. He said that he will make it his duty to make me whistle.
Today he was giving out Thank You cards for the Acheivement Day and I noticed I didnt get one. He said that he has something special for me.

Could you guess what it was?

A whistle.


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