Somewhere I Belong...

Thursday, September 29, 2005

I am enjoying this apt. Being close to school is a winner.
I got a drop to school yesterday and I got there in 5 mins!!

Work was shitty today. A huge bomb was dropped on us. Form teachers will be responsible for the printing of reports. Yuh could believe that shit? It's just another task to drop on our already burdened backs.

This budget has me scared. I am so afraid of inflation. I dont want Trinidad to end up like Guyana.
They took away my tax breaks!!!!!
credit union...gone....
well there was going to be a mortgage eventually...that gone too


Monday, September 26, 2005


One week has gone and things are going well thus far. I am learning the ropes of the place and it's going welll.
My bf and I spent the weekend together and it went well.

So this week, I hope to do some actual cooking.
Yes I have not cooked in a long time.

Friday, September 23, 2005

So my stove has finally been put together thanks to my very handy boyfriend, so now I am able to cook!

We moved some stuff last night, so all my stuff is by me now, just have to tie up the loose ends now and by next week, I will be saying bye to my life in Barataria.
I had some good times there, but now it's time to move forward.

Thursday, September 22, 2005

So I am liking my new place. Quiet, peaceful...
but I do get lonely sometimes.

I have no internet so I feel so cut off from the world.


Monday, September 19, 2005

So I spent my first night alone in my new apt. It was ok...for the most part. My bf tried to keep me company but I was so out of it eh.......

This morning, I left home at 7am and got to school at 7 15 am. That was great.
I dont even have to cross the road to get transport.

School wasnt too bad. We had a waste of time meeting that got me so annoyed eh!!!
But my classes today were not that bad.

All in all the day was an OK day!

So....until next I blog.

Sunday, September 18, 2005

So this morning was the big move. I must say it went quickly and painlessly, expcept when my heart was in my mouth for my computer monitor. That was a close call.

So tonight is going to be my first night there and I am a lil excited...except I am afraid of the dark.

Saturday, September 17, 2005

yuh know, my mother irritates me and annoys the hell out of me, but she is the only parent I have left, even though it was like for a long time eh.

I mean we argue but she still calls me even though we have had a few arguments.

I think when I settle down and get everything together, I will make every effort to get things back on track with her. I mean, I dont have to worry about my brother and that was my main point of contention with her.

My sister...i dunno...i wish I could be closer to her, but her religion has completely sucked the coolness out of her. I will call just to be able to see my niece that's all.

My brother....bleh...dunno how that is going to work nah. I need a break. Some space is always a good thing.

things are coming down to the wire right now. I am almost packed, just some light things to pack and I am good to go...well almost.

I have some loose ends to tie up and THEN i good to go.

Friday, September 16, 2005

so....... I am so tired........ and I have to move........bleh.........

No school for me today as i have to take care of some personal business. I feel bad taking the day already, but it is necessary.

Wednesday, September 14, 2005

How do you pack up your life? I have been in this place for 8 years...the longest I have lived in any place and I have to pack up and go.

It's a bit difficult. I look around and it's like..where to start?

Tuesday, September 13, 2005

Today is my second year anniversary. YAY!

We arent doing anything special or romantic. I'll be packing clothes, he'll be going to the gym, but it's ok. When things settle down, we'll do something nice.

Sunday, September 11, 2005

I have not updated this thing in a while.
I just havent been inspired to.

Things have been so stressful and hectic and rushed..........I dont operate like that at all. I like to take my time.

My boyfriend has been by my side all the time. This week we have been falling out eh...but it's the stress of everything that's getting to us.

Today he went all over the place with me and help me so much today. I dont know howI can repay him. He's the sweetest.

Wednesday, September 07, 2005

well...things have turned around a lot boy!!
I am glad with the way things are turning out yes. I could not be happier.
I just hope things go well.

Hear nah.
I have the BEST boyfriend in the world yes. This man has been a rock by my side throughout this whole mess. He didnt leave my side at all. When I was ready to give up, he wasnt. And I could never thank him enough for that.

He is so awesome awesome. A winner. And he's all mine.


Tuesday, September 06, 2005

My boyfriend was brutally honest with me last night. He told some things that I didnt want to hear, but I needed to hear. He didnt dress his talk with, "I doh mean to hurt yuh feelings" or "Doh take this the wrong way". He was HONEST.

I was steaming mad when I was listening to him. But when I went home and thought about the stuff he said, he made a lot of usual. But it's good to have someone like that in your life. Someone who sees something wrong and gives you their honest opinion.

Thank you my love.

Today was the first day of school for me.
I got up late...6am.... but I managed to reach to school on time.
I went to my old form class and they greeted me with cheers. I felt good..then I rearranged them and they looked down. One in particular..playing he want to mumble when I talk to him.

I went to my Form Ones and set the tone for the class. Did the same with form threes. Form fives like they eh know you can se, it was a great day.

I am hoping for some good things to happen this week and I appreciate any good vibes anybody who reads this blog could send.


Sunday, September 04, 2005

So my pain is getting a lot better. I was worried for a while.

Last week was one of the most painful weeks in my life, both physically and emotionally. But I got through it. And I know that there will be days like that ahead, but I know that I will get through them.

School begins this week and I am excited. I am ready and rearing to go.

Saturday, September 03, 2005

Going to the hairdresser at the end of the month is a test of patience yes!!!
I arrived there probably at 11 15am and left there after 5pm!

My hair looks good eh, but that heat wasnt making it easy.

So just when I finished dealing with one setta pain, I have another set to deal with. Isnt life grand?

I think i am running on auto pilot. Just doing things because they have to be done. If it were left up to me, I would be in bed all day.

Thursday, September 01, 2005

I finally got some good news that made me smile today. I hope things work out for me. Things havent been going so well of later. If this works out, most of my troubles could be dealt with.