Somewhere I Belong...

Saturday, June 18, 2005

What are some of the things that make you smile?

Well these things make me smile:

1) a good conversation. One where you laugh, you learn something new about the person you are talking to or just stuff in general. I had one of those conversations last week. I have known this person for five years and this is the first time we have had a normal easy going conversation. I hope we have more.

2) a good meal. One that was well prepared, warm-not hot, and doesnt stuff you but leaves you satiated.

3) my students. It's a rewarding thing to listen to students do their exercises. They are figuring out things based on what I taught them. They understand because I taught them. Really rewarding. Doesnt put money in the bank but it makes me feel good inside.

4) any episode of Seinfeld. I just LOVE that show. I wont buy the DVDs because they show it all the time on TBS. But he is a funny guy!

5) a good sleep.

I'll add more when they come along.


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