I got home at 7:42pm tonight. Imagine if I were working overtime...
I enjoy my boyfriend so much. When he came to drop the fan for me last night, I was SO glad to see him. Not only because of the fan, but because I got to see him during the week. His eyes lit up when he saw me and I hope he saw the love in my eyes as well. I just hugged him and kissed him.
I hope that when we embark upon a life together that we will look at each other like that still.
So I slept like a baby. I got up and got ready for school. I arrived on time and had a chat with my friends. That chat was nice.
Then I went to my form five class. I gave them an example of what is coming for mock exams. I told them do the work, only four students did it.
I lock off. That is it. I am not asking them fuckers for no work again nah.
I went to the form threes. I did a revision for a test they are getting tomorrow. Let's see who will pass nah.
I went to my form four class. The regular fellas did their work, the others didnt.
I went to my other form five class. Three people did the work.
I went to give out the school lunches. Every day I have to tell those greedy fuckers make one straight line. Every fucking day. Today I said I would rather throw the food away that give it to you all if you dont line up straight. One fass fucker said Miss you rather throw the food away than feed people? You are a dog.
Well I grab dat. Of course he wanted to size me up. I didnt back down at all. No fucking 16 yo punk going and size up for me. He went to the office one time. The principal asked him what he said. He told the principal he didnt say dog. He said that it was a doggy attitude. When the prinicipal left I whispered to him at least a man woulda tell the principal the truth. The fucker LIE yes. AHAHHAHAHAHA! damn fucker! will leave the school with no fucking passes.
I would admit I was upset, but i realise he is leaving the school very soon. So I wont have to deal with him.
I went to my form one class and that was fun. Then I had a free period. I spent the time talking to a student who was really bothered about his situation at home.
I stayed back this afternoon to help form fives with their orals. Only 7 students out of 18 came and one of them wasnt even mine. STEUPS
Those fuckers rather pay for lessons yes. Ha Lord!
I stayed back for a parents meeting. I thought it was a good meeting. I saw some parents I really wanted to see and of course the ones you really NEEDED to see didnt come.
So that was MY day today. So when I get my two mnths PAID vacation, I deserve it eh.