Somewhere I Belong...

Sunday, February 06, 2005

Rent as of January 2005 = $750
Cable= $200
Electricity = $120
Total = $1050

I didnt include phone and internet because I used that mostly.

My brother hands me $100 and tells me that is for the bills yes. HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!
He went out the road just now to buy ice cream. He didnt even say,' yuh want one or what?' Nutten. But I get boff fuh not fucking cooking. When I going in the bakery, I buy a lil tart for him. When I buy fruits, I buy for him. Fuck dat shit yes.

My sister is the worse. She calls me when I doing my errands to ask me to go shopping for her husband for his birthday, which I find real low to begin with. I trying to get out of the mall as soon as possible, she taking long long tell me what she wants. So I get irritated and of course she hears and tells me not to bother. STEUPS.
I offered to take my niece for a few hours so allyuh could get a lil down time. So fucking ungrateful. But I love my niece and I made a promise to myself to take her once a month.

I really think it's time to move out.


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