Somewhere I Belong...

Wednesday, February 23, 2005

I started so many different posts tonight and I found I was just talking shit.


What's going on with me?

1. My relationship is great. My bf is such a cutie pie, contrary to what some people might think these days. I'm in a real comfortable place.

2. My family isnt talking to me. It bothers me but I must stand my ground. I pay all the bills, do tha majority of the cleaning and on top of that must cook for a 20 y.o? And the thing that real disgusts me is that my family VEX about it!!!!!!!! WHy dont they encourage him to seek some independence??? STEUPS

3. Work is not so bad. WHen you follow the rules, things go smoothly...well...kinda....
My form class is afraid of me. NICE!

4. I would admit my spiritual life isnt the best right now. Laziness is the reason. I really love my Sundays, staying home and just vegging out. I rather pray at home.

5. This is the year of AYANNA! I am doing all the things I want to do and not really taking on anybody else.

I look back on my life and I missed out on a lot of things. I should have gotten my licence at 17. Now I have to be fighting up with it.
I never travelled. Never enrolled in any extracurricular activities. My parents never sat me down and spoke to me about any thing..not about men, taking care of my body.. nothing.

But I cant do anything about the past.
But I am making my own future. I have huge plans and I am going to work really hard towards the success of those plans.
Wish me luck!


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