Somewhere I Belong...

Wednesday, October 13, 2004

This morning I was going to school and a father ( I assume) and son came into the maxi. Normally when I am travelling with my niece, she is yapping with her parents. This boy was silent. ok enough.

When the maxi approached the boy's stop, his father let him out. The father did not say good bye to his son neither 'have a good day'. When I was going to secondary school, my mother ALWAYS told me Go with God. It put me in a right frame of mind for the day.

When the maxi drove off, I saw him look into the maxi for his father as it passed him. Yuh know how some parents look at their child leave the maxi till they cant see them? The father didnt even do that, just put him out the maxi and that was it.

This young man stayed in my mind for the whole day because I was like him once...looking for some sort of acknowledgement from my father, and constantly being disappointed. I said a lil prayer for him.

TWO football matches today yes.
First match was Under 14 vs El Do brown. We won 3-0.
Next match was Under 19 vs PIL (Pentecostal Institute of Learning). The game ended in a tie 2-2. But the bacchanal was after the match where one of our players was threatened, one of the PIL students called one of our teachers a jackass and their conduct was just PISS poor.

Some teachers think that our boys are bad, but honestly, after tonight, I think they are almost angelic.


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