Somewhere I Belong...

Sunday, October 24, 2004

I am not a big fan of Diane Keaton movies, but "Something's gotta give" is not a bad movie.

She said something that has been a philosophy of mine for a while. She said that you cant stop yourself from loving someone just because you think you will get hurt or that it wont work out; Love anyway.

I believe that so much. So what if it doesnt work out? That's part of life isnt it? When I tell my friends that, they say, "You have a man arready."

But I believed that before I met him.
When I realised I was falling for him, my mind was trying to come up with a lot of different reasons NOT to, but the feelings were too overwhelming to deny. I'm glad I followed my heart instead of my mind. Things have worked out great.

We dont send forwards, we forward links to articles that we think might interest each other.
Now I dont just flick past channel 25 anymore, I might stop and take a lil peek.

Now if only I can get him interested in Spanish.....


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