Somewhere I Belong...

Thursday, August 19, 2004

I love being a woman. I love my physical attributes: my"child bearing hips" as someone likes to describe them, my hair, my small hands, my slender frame.
I love having the priviledge of bearing a child.
Is it wrong to ask for a commitment from a man?
If you are with him for a period of time, say five years, is it ok to sit him down and say, "I'll like to know where this is going," or start talking about marriage?
And if the man isnt ready to give that commitment after 5 years, should you wait until he is ready or say F*#% you! and move on?amongst a group of women. I say potentially because yuh know what I think of some women.
I am woman, hear me ROAR.

We were talking about Joel/Joelle, the transexual from South. I said I couldnt call Joel/le a woman even though an operation took place. Just because he took some hormones and snipped this and tucked that, he's a woman now??

Let him get some period cramps nah! Let him give birth to a child nah. Steups.
I will never call him 'her' or 'she'.
He was born a male and NO operation can change THAT fact.


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