Somewhere I Belong...

Friday, June 18, 2004

Today was the form five graduation. I was there so that I can verify that they were leaving. WOW..25 years old and I have two batches of past students.
hee hee

Then my friend said that she was going into town so I took a ride with her. I visited my bf and we had a nice time. WOW..rain really makes a sleep a lot better.

Then I went to see Shrek with my brother. Even though he is 19, I still can remember when he came home from the hospital. And the cutass I get for him...steups. My father gone out the road and leave me to watch my brother..I 8, he inspector gadget was going on and I was watching it...not taking on my brother. somehow he slipped out and went crawling out the road....a lady brought him back and I get licks
LESSON LEARNT: dont leave a child to watch another child while saturday morning cartoons are going on.


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