Somewhere I Belong...

Monday, May 31, 2004

I cant help reflecting on this weekend. I was very pissed that I could not spend time with my bf Friday and Saturday because of work. But I think it was to make room for Sunday yes.

Sunday just blew me away.. the simplicity of the time spent and the quality.

it's an experience that I cant describe using words.

Last night we watched a documentary called the opposite sex.
well...that was traumatic.

Rene was born a girl, but he believed he is a guy and lived his life as a guy. He dated girls and ended up with wona his wife. they were together since she was 16 yrs old and he is the only man she has ever known. which sux because he isnt a man really.
He was taking testosterone and that made his clitoris bigger and it was like a small penis...steups..hear nah..all this time we watching this thing and we just stunned yes.

they ended up making a penis with the enlarged clit and made balls with the vaginal lips. If yuh see dat ting!!!


the poor wife eh.....

K had a ticket for lunch at grillers. I gave the girl the ticket and she asking me if I want leg and thigh or breast and wing. I was stumped for a while and then i asked what? hear she nah : LEG--AND-THIGH-OR BREAST-AND -WING? yuh know breaking it down for the retard nah. I had to tell her "it says fish on the ticket" and she more vex than me yes.


it's 8 40 am...why am I up so early?

WORK...that's a four letter word I am hating.
And it's not even mine.

Yesterday was a great day. I enjoyed it immensely.

Thank you for love, baby.

Sunday, May 30, 2004

I believe sometimes that relationships need a recharge. Sometimes things get so routine that it just becomes accepted by both parties; or things arent going so well that some quality time is needed to recharge things.

I experienced that recharge today. I just felt as if i was falling in love all over again. It was like the hugs and kisses werent enough. I couldnt stop looking into his eyes.
I just feel very relaxed and at ease.

Artist: Hoobastank
Song: The Reason


I'm not a perfect person
As many things I wish I didn't do
But I continue learning
I never meant to do those things to you
And so I have to say before I go
That I just want you to know

I've found a reason for me
To change who I used to be
A reason to start over new
and the reason is you

I'm sorry that I hurt you
It's something I must live with everyday
And all the pain I put you through
I wish that I could take it all away
And be the one who catches all your tears
Thats why i need you to hear

I've found a resaon for me
To change who I used to be
A reason to start over new
and the reason is You [x4]

I'm not a perfect person
I never meant to do those things to you
And so I have to say before I go
That I just want you to know

I've found a reason for me
To change who I used to be
A reason to start over new
and the reason is you

I've found a reason to show
A side of me you didn't know
A reason for all that I do
And the reason is you

Nice song eh?

Saturday, May 29, 2004

sometimes silence is NOT golden


I heard this song on VH1 this morning and I absolutely LOVE it.

It's OH by Dave Matthews.

The world is blowing up
The world is caving in
The world has lost her way again
But you are here with me
But you are here with me
Makes it OK

I hear you still talk to me
As if you're sitting in my dusty chair
Makes the hours easier to bear
I know despite the years alone
I'll always listen to you sing
A sweet song
And if it's all the same to you

I love you oh so well
Like a kid loves candy and fresh snow
I love you oh so well
Love to fill up heaven overflowed

Fill heaven
Love you oh so well

And it's cold
Darkness falls
As if you're in the next room
So alive
I could swear I hear you singing to me

I love you oh so well
Like a kid loves candy and fresh snow
I love you oh so well
Love to fill up heaven overflowed

Fill heaven

The world is blowing up
The world is caving in
The world has lost her way again
But you are here with me
But you are here with me
Makes it OK

Oh girl you're singing to me still

I love you oh so well
Like a kid loves candy and fresh snow
I love you oh so well
Love to fill up heaven overflowed

well was a nice day.
Ts had their getaway and I went and it was really nice.
There were some hiccups along the way, but they were worked out and we arrived at the Defreitas Ranch.

The liming was going cool and we sampled a mean curry duck. But SOMEONE wanted an adventure; she wanted to go exploring. I thought we were just going to walk around the compound and look for fruit trees and pick some fruit. I didnt know I would be walking thru a flicking stony river!!!!
we spent about three hours in that water..only to find out we could have used the road. I was just greatful that we didnt have to go back in the river.

I tired and I miss my bf terribly, but tomorrow is another day.

I lacking vitamin K yes.

I had all my plans sorted out in my head. I was ready and rearing to go...and then I heard the word: WORK.


what can you do except roll with the punches?
I am accepting that things happen for a reason, so I stayed home and watched TV.

Wasnt so bad. I saw an interesting episode of Law and Order.
Also there is a new movie on Showtime called "the lion in winter." It stars Glenn Close and Patrick Stewart. I didnt see the whole things, but the parts that I did see were very impressive. Glenn Close did a good job and I would like to think that this movie get nominated for an Emmy next year.

Friday, May 28, 2004

well today was one of those days....

normal..nothing unusual

Thursday, May 27, 2004

Work is a lil stressful these days...too much to do yes.

I watching Philomena and she is getting all these presents from people, like gift vouchers..I'm wondering if she really uses those gifts. her name is really Philomena....


This is weather for leather.

Wednesday, May 26, 2004

Gayelle news has a segment called, "Get it off your chest" where people talk about things that bother them. This girl will look to say that she thinks fetes are becoming all inclusive and people are just socializing and not partying.

I mean....we really should be worried...

OMG! I blabbed out my friend's business today! I feel absolutely horrible! :(
As I had said in an earlier post, a lot of people have been confiding things in me, and while that is ok, it is a task to remember to not say this in front of that one.
Today the girls were having lunch and I asked my friend a question about an incident that took place, completely forgetting that I wasnt supposed to talk about it in front of the other friend.
The reaction was horrendous and all I could say is "Oh My God!" I wasnt saying the Lord's name, i think i was pleading for Him to take me away.
But I nust say my friend was great about it and said that it must have happened for a reason. I guess we just got it out of the way,yes.


Tuesday, May 25, 2004

I dont feel like going to Cuba
I want to go Margarita

Today I was talking to my good pardna . We were talking about his relationship and how it is on its way to ending. He said he's just not happy. I asked him what he wants in a woman. He said he wants someone to complement (NOT compliment) him.

Good answer.

Monday, May 24, 2004

gosh boy..I dont like that character plays on Lord have mercy on Gayelle...she looks so empty headed.


I went out the road just now and I was waiting for what seemed like a million years.

I like to watch people...

a girl was walking towards her boyfriend and i loved the expression on his seemed to say, This is the most beautiful girl in the world..but then it also seemed to say..I getting piece of that tonight..ok..j/k

Then a lady came to see her daughter at work and the loving expression both of them had. It was nice to see. The only time I can remember a look like that directed at me was when I went to visit in 2002.


My day wasnt so bad nah...

I am grateful for days like setta hassle.

Sunday, May 23, 2004

Baby when I think about
The day that we first met
(the day that we first met)
Wasn't lookin for what I found
But I found you
And I'm bound to find happiness in being around you

I'm glad when I'm makin love to you
I'm glad for the way you make me feel
I love it cause you seem to blow my mind, every time
I'm glad when you walk you hold my hand
I'm happy that you know how to be a man
I'm glad that you came into my life
I'm so glad

I dig the way that you get down
And you still know how to hold me
(and you still know how to hold me)
Perfect blend, masculine
(can't get enough now) I think I'm in love.

I'm glad that you turned out to be
That certain someone special
who makes this life worth living
I'm glad you're here just loving
So say that you won't leave
Cause since the day you came
I've been glad

ok so my weekend just ended on a good note.

what else can I say except..I love you so much baby.

there seems to be a mad TV marathon on Comedy centrral. Hear nah..I think those ppl are really mad in truth yes. Some of the skits that they come up with....jeezan!!!
I am laffing so hard eh....

Well I just realised how much I missed Cary. Of course she is just the coolest person. :D

so I am talking to my girl cinnas and she is telling me about teaching in England. She said the pay is good and that they raise salaries about almost every year.
Sounds good. But I will let her get into it for a year or two and see how it goes for her. By then I would have a lot of experiences AND qualifications. heh heh heh

By 2006 allyuh might hear I in Hingland yes!!!!
16,000 pounds a year.... as mih boy blacs does say:


Thanks Kayode for my computer.

So i guess it's obvious that I am having a bad weekend.

You know what made me smile today? I went to the mall and some of my students saw me. THEY were glad to see me. THEY did NOT pass me straight. THEY SPOKE to me.

Maybe they will miss me yes.

Saturday, May 22, 2004

bleh..fuck it!

somebody come and take me away QUICK!

*post edited*

Friday, May 21, 2004

well here is the saga with my PC.
I got it back from the computer place. I got back a report saying that Kazaa and ICQ are preventing the pages from loading. I dont have ICQ....:s
I gave it to my bf for one of his friends to check it out.
Seems I had a lot of viruses on my dial up which was not on the report eh...but it still isnt connecting to the internet..sooo...i am going to buy a new modem. *sigh*

the fella only calling meh to find out if he could do the PJ....steups....

Today was staff development day. It was a good day. We had a nice session where we saw how we can help our students think better. I feel empowered.

Thursday, May 20, 2004

today was a so-so day. It started of with my class breakfast. that was cool. A lot of kids brought stuff. we were running over. But it really is tiring to serve food yes and make sure students clean up.
There was supposed to be a creole lunch I got my lunch but the food ran out and there was only rice so the boys were given rice in a box and a hamburger from the cafeteria. Who thought of THAT combo???
Thank God I had extra food!!!

Wednesday, May 19, 2004

Today wasnt a good day nah. I just dont get boys sometimes.

Tuesday, May 18, 2004

Of late, I have been entrusted with so many secrets. interesting yes, but if they got out, relationships could end.

I glad my life isnt exciting as that nah.In fact, people have told me that since i'm in a relationship now, I'm very stale. Which is true.
When I was single, I used to be in every lime going to every club. I used to think that if I didnt go, I just might miss out on that fella who might be the one. HA!
I used to be real upset if I were home on Friday night and I used to cry saying that nobody wanted me. JEEZ!!!!! How lame yes.
Now I would lime with the girls and talk and laff, I would lime home with the bf or go cinema or go out to eat, or just stay home and do some work. While partying and stuff is cool, i dont really feel like I'm missing much.

I hope I dont sound like an old lady. Life just has a different meaning to me.

well bacchanal with my pc.
Yesterday I call to find out about my oc only to be told that my modem is working, but kazaa lite is not allowing the pages to load.They tried to uninstall it, but it was still in the registry and if they try to edit it from the registry it will affect the other programs. Therefore they will have to reformat the harddrive. OK..what is the cost? $517.50!!!!
well I tell the man I cyah pay dat.Then he want to arrange to do it as a PJ for $200...hmmm...sounds fishy. I calling them this morning and tell them leave my pc alone yes.

Richjob dat sounding right?

Monday, May 17, 2004

This weekend was a wow one. I was!

I was ready to give up on love, but I'm glad I didnt. Things were really kinda tough this weekend. I felt I couldnt handle it anymore, but he wasnt going to give up and I'm glad he pulled me back.
Thank you baby for everything.

well hear nah!! My computer reach home by me and then it had to goback yuh know. My computer went to fix and yuh know it came back still not fixed. I was BLUE. I boff the man who drop it it back, I even was cranky to my bf who was just trying to help (sorry baby!)So I have no computer STILL!!!

Thursday, May 13, 2004

8 months...yeah!!!!

Today was a nice day yes..long but nice.
This afternoon I taught my form one class something new and they got it instantly. I complimented them because I thought they deserved it. While I was correcting work, I saw someone write on the board, "we appreciate your teaching," I felt really good!
Those are the good things about teaching...

plus I am supposed to get a bag of julie and starch mangoes tomorrow and pommerac on Monday.

Do you get THAT working in the corporate world??

Monday, May 10, 2004

Thanks Madame!
It was greatly appreciated.

Hope next time it would be possible.

Form fives are going home today!!! yeah!!

If you notice my posts are few and far between and they are very short,it's because I DONT HAVE MY COMPUTER!!!
I miss mr dell

Next time richjob, I'll take you up on your offer.


I knew van helsing wouldnt have been much to see!!

here's the thing: My bf wanted to see TORQUE, HELLBOY and VAN HELSING because he thought they were good movies. I on the other hand did not agree.
Needless to say, I was right!


Saturday, May 08, 2004

Last night was a girls lime and it was really fun!
Laffing and talking and catching real kix!
I missed that a lot yuh know.

I have not gotten my computer back!!!

Friday, May 07, 2004

yuh see how businesses stink??

when I bought my computer, the people were able to come on a Saturday..yuh know why?
because they were getting money!!!

Now to drop back back the computer, they telling me they cant drop it back on a saturday. But it wasnt a problem to come not so??
In order to buy a computer, yuh need to work not so???? And when people work? not during the week??

so what shit they telling me????

I just stood up the principal. heh
it felt good.

Wednesday, May 05, 2004

plus the tstt guy was good looking!!!

But my bf was there nah, so no long gaping.


God is really a good God.

On monday, my computer had to be checked,. They were supposed to come by nine since that day at school wasnt so hectic. I opted to go in late.
By ten they didnt call so I called in at the office. The girl told me that she did not see my name on the list for today. I told her that I was reassured by the other girl I spoke to on Friday that the work would be done on Monday.
After a while, the technician called for directions. then about two mins later, TSTT called for directions. I was like YIPPEE!!
so that meant I wouldnt have to take more time off.

killing two birds with one!

Not having my computer SUCKS!!!!!
I feel so disconnected!
Like I missing a lime or someting.

I did my psychology test last night. It was a nice test but I think I botched up the compulsory question.

when was the last time I was here? Sunday?

wow..sunday...a really bad day....

I would really like to apologize to my bf for the shit I did. I was wrong.
I would like to thank him for forgiving me. I didnt deserve it.

Sunday, May 02, 2004

i real hungry


I saw Alicia Keys video for her song "if I aint got you" well a lil tear cme to my eye yes. I dont really know why. I am an emotional person. It's just that when she sings that song, it's sung with such feelings eh.....

"some people want it all, but I dont want nothing at all, if it aint you baby, if I aint got you baby."

it's true to a certain extent...I could have all the riches in the world, but I really wouldnt be able to enjoy it fully if I didnt have my bf in my life.
We dont have a lot now and we have a good time, like buying pies and peanut punch for breakfast and eating it in a park. lol simple but nice

Wish me luck on my exams!!!

Today a group of us got together and studied for our exams next week. I just realised that the class is clearly divided down a line. All of us today have a similar mindset of studying and getting good grades and the others..well...

mowt open, tory jump out...

I found out today that my lecturer propositioned a class mate of mine. I was shocked!
But he rejected her and it's obvious because she treats him differently now. I mean, the man is married and has a child..and she knew that. I was also told today that She made a comment saying that he might have his child forever, but he wont have his wife forever.hmmmm
This is a lady who has had three marriages and the last one failed because of sexual issues.