Somewhere I Belong...

Friday, January 09, 2004

wow..another situation, baby..but AGAIN you just prove to me how great and wonderful you are. You are my rock; whenever I am in a jam, you are right there to help me and support me. I just love to hear you say "I'm here". Whenever you say that, it comforts me and reassures me.
You calm me down when I am worried or afraid. You make me laugh and you make tears come to my eyes when I look at you lie on my chest. You look so peaceful and calm.
You have just changed my life in a most positive way and I am thankful for you. I really am.
I'm glad I didnt go to Barbados because I would have missed out on meeting you. The strange thing is when I found out I wasnt going, I wasnt to upset because I said to myself , "It's for a reason."

I love you baby..I really do...


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