Somewhere I Belong...

Sunday, December 07, 2003

I didnt go to church today..AGAIN! I dont think I have gone for the month. Before, going to church used to be so easy for me. It was part of me. Just get up on a sunday morning and go. But's hard. Part of the reason is that my church is in Diego and I live in the east, so to travel is a kinna horrors eh. But I just dont feel motivated to go to church anymore. I havent lost faith or anything. I just dont feel to do the things I usually do like participate in church events. I pray but my prayers dont last very long.
I dont want my faith in God re-energized by some tragic event like I see on TBN. I just want to be back to the stage I was at: automatically get up on a Sunday and go to church, enjoy the mass, and feel so good from church.


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